On 27.08.2015 09:27, Yousong Zhou wrote:
> On 27 August 2015 at 12:02, Dirk Neukirchen <dirkneukirc...@web.de> wrote:
>> - it causes issues with qemu versions < 2.2
>> should fix issues with Ubuntu 14.03 LTS (qemu 2.0)
>> errors are:
>> Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000004
> But it's a bug within qemu.  I have a simple script [1] for building
> qemu at least v2.3.0 from source code.
>  [1] https://github.com/yousong/build-scripts/blob/master/build-qemu.sh
>                 yousong

MIPS16 is still deactivated on 44 packages so it still can be considered 

Other reasons to fix:
- potential code size reduction by using MIPS16 is not important qemu targets
- compiling qemu might break and that requires more user action
- some ppl dont like to compile software thats available in distro packages
- Ubuntu LTS will keep 2.0
- Debian 8/jessie has 2.1
- its unlikely that qemu will backport fixes to 2.0 version
- its unclear if/when Ubuntu will backport that fix

Reasons not to fix:
- Malta targets developers that want to test features / build test environments 
it is expected mostly developers use this target and they know how to either
handle or circumvent this known issue.

Most people do not seem to read wiki or search bugtracker for open/known issues.
Is putting a README into the bin/ dir on "half broken" platforms a better 
solution ?
Some prefix/suffix indicating which qemu version is working with that file ?
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