Yeah, sorry I tried to rush something out the door and have completely forgotten how to send git patches series - I've had to relearn those skills (mostly a matter of taking the time to read the man pages).

I also screwed the patches up when I copied them from a private repo I had for BB into trunk which mean I have to take the time to redo them and test them on actual hardware before resubmitting.



On 2015-08-17 2:27 AM, John Crispin wrote:

the series is in patchwork several times. some mails are duplicated 8
times. others exist twice, have identical content but 2 different
subjects. i marked all 25 patches as invalid. can you please work out
what we should merge and just resend it as a clean series against trunk


On 09/08/2015 06:12, Daniel Dickinson wrote:
Sorry, one last time; this series got concatenated into one big email.

Hi all,

I have added suport for three PowerCloud Systems devices based on
the patches posted in,
updated board support in the OpenWrt tree, and some tweaks of my own.

These patches are against trunk.

Daniel Dickinson (8):
   CC PowerCloud CAP324 Image generation
   CC PowerCloud CAP324 OpenWrt configuration
   CC PowerCloud CR3000 Kernel BSP
   CC PowerCloud CR3000 image generation
   CC PowerCloud CR3000 OpenWrt configuration
   CC PowerCloud CR5000 Kernel BSP
   CC PowerCloud CR5000 image generation
   CC PowerCloud CR5000 OpenWrt configuration

  package/boot/uboot-envtools/files/ar71xx           |   3 +
  target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/         |   9 +
  .../ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/01_leds     |  20 ++
  .../ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/02_network  |   8 +
  target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/       |   9 +
  .../ar71xx/base-files/lib/upgrade/      |   5 +-
  target/linux/ar71xx/config-4.1                     |   2 +
  target/linux/ar71xx/generic/profiles/        |  79 +++++++
  target/linux/ar71xx/image/Makefile                 |  12 ++
  .../815-MIPS-ath79-add-cr3000-support.patch        | 211 +++++++++++++++++++
  .../816-MIPS-ath79-add-cr5000-support.patch        | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++
  11 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
  create mode 100644 
  create mode 100644 
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