On 22/06/15 16:48, Lars Kruse wrote:
> Hi,
> within our wireless community we are using a couple of devices with the
> following features:
> * powered via POE through their first ethernet plug
> * another device can be powered via the second ethernet plug (POE passthrough
>   switchable via GPIO)
> The POE passthrough feature can be controlled via GPIO pins.
> For our most common devices (Nanostation M5 and TP-Link CPE510) these are GPIO
> pins #2, #8 or #20 (depending on the model).
> Currently we are using a custom script (see attached) for these models.
> I have the feeling that this kind of hardware capabilities should be available
> within openwrt (similar to the LED setup).
> Is there anything related already implemented within openwrt?
> If not: where would you recommend to put it?

You could eventually utilize the regulator framework to implement such
GPIO toggling to provide/remove power to a given device. I have not
looked at whether this is something controllable from user-space, but
there is an in-kernel API to be a "consumer" of the regulator API.

Of course this information should be made conditional to the device model.

My 2 cents.
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