I'm interested in trying to build the rtl8192cu drivers found in the
raspberrypi kernel source tree. These drivers are modified versions of the
realtek provided open source.
It seems that they have disabled the stock kernel drivers for the rtlwifi
and enabled the realtek open source drivers into rpi kernel.  From what I
read the realtek open source drivers tend to work better in AP mode.

I understand a bit how to modify the Kconfig files to exclude the old
rtlwifi and enable the new rtl8192cu drivers, in the
/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8192cu/ directories.  How ever that is with the
kernel source is already downloaded.  And not sure how to preceed from
there.  How do I configure the module so that make menuconfig finds it and
pulls in the values so its selected to build?

Is there a suggested way for me to test this build out?  Ay web links for
documents that would help me make build changes to test out this different
driver source?   I would suspect that this is common with other people who
are developing drivers run in to a similar issue.

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