On Mar 30, 2015 11:27 PM, "Yousong Zhou" <yszhou4t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mar 30, 2015 10:28 PM, "Mark Mentovai" <m...@moxienet.com> wrote:
> >
> > In the latest OpenWrt trunk, I found that config_get has stopped
loading uncommitted uci changes from /tmp/.uci. I rely on this behavior,
which had worked well for years.
> >
> > I found a change[1] in uci that’s responsible.
> >
> Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
> > The uci change makes uci_add_delta_path() reject any attempt to add
ctx->savedir to the delta search path. However, in light of cli.c’s
usage[2], there’s a problem: when processing a -P argument, it calls
uci_add_delta_path() to add the original value of ctx->savedir to the delta
search path before changing ctx->savedir.
> >
> > After this change, the uci command-line tool’s -P argument no longer
acts as documented. Instead of adding a path to the delta search path, it
just sets the default save directory.
> >
> > This behavior change appears to be unintentional, and as I mentioned,
it’s broken a long-standing behavior that I rely on.
> >
> > This change became a part of OpenWrt at r45040[3] and is exposed to
scripts that use /lib/functions.sh: that script sets LOAD_STATE=1, and its
config_load calls /lib/config/uci.sh’s uci_load, which adds a -P argument
to its “uci export” command when LOAD_STATE is nonempty.
> >
> Not yet with my keyboard at hand, will look into these scripts tomorrow.

I just sent a patch for this with you in the cc list.  Could you give it a
try and tell if it can work for you?

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