In that case, I have a lot of bug reports to file, because none of the
DHCPv6 clients I tried were happy with preferred lifetimes of 1 second
on their leases (which includes Windows 7, 8.1 and openSUSE 13.2).
Sorry, I cannot confirm this. I just tried it with both Windows 8.1 and
Debian testing (w/ network-manager) both didn't react strangely or tried
to renew the lease every second. Connectivity was okay.
Besides you also get addresses with higher values for preferred
lifetime using RAs so you always have usable IPv6 addresses, so if
your network-manager / OS behaves sanely you shouldn't have any issues.
They don't have an issue with IPv6 connectivity, its the source
address that is used *I* have a problem with.
Unless you disable RAs there is no way to tell the client which source
address to pick anyway. If some OS use the DHCPv6 addresses by default
then thats by chance.
A work-around for this is setting:
option ra_management 0
in the lan-section of /etc/config/dhcp which will cause most clients
to not use DHCPv6 and rely on RAs only.
This is not an option, as the whole purpose of using DHCPv6 for
address configuration is to give clients a fixed IPv6 address. This
has worked correctly since Barrier Breaker was released, I see no
reason why it no longer should.
That still works. The client will just not use the address for outgoing
traffic. I'm fine with making this configurable (current behavior as
default) though and would welcome a patch for this. I could put it on my
todo but don't really know when I have the time to deal with this.
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