config interface 'wan6'
         option proto 'static'
         option ifname 'eth1'
         option ip6addr '2001::50'

config interface 'lq'
        option proto 'dslite'
        option ip6addr '2001::100'
        option peeraddr '2001::200'
        option tunlink 'wan6'

In your dslite section you define your local endpoint address to be 2001::100 however in your wan6 section you define your local IPv6 address to be 2001::50. This seems wrong.

You should either set both to the same value or simply omit option ip6addr from the dslite section so it is autodetected.

Also (as noted in the last mail): if you run into further issues please post the output of the command: "ubus call network.interface dump" so we get to see status messages from netifd.


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