On 16.02.2015 22:03, David Lang wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Feb 2015, Charlie Smurthwaite wrote:
>> Specifically I am looking for opinion on whether the swconfig framework
>> is suitable for more advanced functionality, or whether there was likely
>> to be a move to any other upstream framework for switch devices,
>> particularly those with more advanced functionality. The types of
>> functionality I am currently interested in supporting are:

> I am curious as to what other switch device frameworks are out there.
> It's worth noting that the vast majority of OpenWRT devices have a single 
> switch in them, and that switch is typically not the fanciest (although the 
> march of technology mens that every year it's going to be better than it used 
> to be)
> David Lang
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Switch/"advanced functionality" questions are resurfacing often -
many devs probably know & hate that "HW-NAT" ticket

There might be 2 interesting posts regarding current/future state and
development direction of In-Kernel drivers:

1) rejected in 2013: "net: phy: add Generic Netlink switch configuration API" 
link: http://lwn.net/Articles/571390/
The thread might be of (historical)/implementation interest

That thread mentions some other infrastructure in Kernel (Marvell DSA)
(that is not appropriate for OpenWrt according to devs)

2) since November 2014 there is a new switchdev api:
introduce rocker switch driver with hardware accelerated datapath api - phase 
1: bridge fdb offload
link: http://lwn.net/Articles/619446/
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