
Thanks for the suggestion, this particular driver was being loaded from
/etc/modules.d, however even when I moved it into /etc/modules-boot.d it
still doesn't create /dev/ttyGS0 in time for procd to start the console.
I'll try fiddling around with the load order to see if I can get it
working without my changes to procd


On 15-01-09 04:33 AM, Stam, Michel [FINT] wrote:
Hello Owen,

I was wondering, is the kernel driver for your console not placed in
/etc/modules-boot.d ?

/sbin/init executes procd, but prior to doing this executes kmodloader
to load all modules in /etc/modules-boot.d. If your module is mentioned
in this directory, this should load your console driver, thus making it
available before procd checks /etc/inittab.

This, to me, seems the most logical solution, as consoles should be
available to the init process early on during boot, and not hot-plugged
in afterwards. Do you agree?

To put modules in /etc/modules-boot.d, make sure that their
KernelPackage definition contains:
AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,<NUM>,<MODULE>,1)

Where <NUM> is the load order and <MODULE> is the name of your kernel
module (or modules). The presence of the ,1 argument indicates whether
the module is placed in /etc/modules-boot.d or /etc/modules.d.

Kind regards,

Michel Stam
Embedded System Engineer
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