> Notify whom? I mean we could probably notify someone or something when the 
> high-level openwrt firewall
> is reloaded. In fact there is already a user-script hook.

Notify a kernel module that the firewall configuration has changed.
The user script is called only when the firewall is restarted - why is

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Steven Barth <cy...@openwrt.org> wrote:
>> You are right. I asked it in the netfilter-devel mailing list -
>> libipct was never meant to be used as a public interface:
>> http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/FAQ/netfilter-faq-4.html#ss4.5
> Meh, absent of anything else it de-facto is anyway, see e.g. squid,
> miniupnpd and others using it as well.
>>> Also at the moment its not very clear when the netfilter team will create
>>> a high-level library to interact with
>>> nftables which would probably be sort of a prerequisite for it depending
>>> on how this rewritten daemon
>>> will work.
>> I'm not sure if such a "high level library" is planned by the
>> netfilter team, but why isn't libnftnl sufficient for rewriting the
>> openwrt firewall daemon?
> I've seen a high-level library being mentioned in some nftables
> presentations, e.g.
> https://home.regit.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014_kernel_recipes_nftables.pdf
> The problem is this: libnftnl only allows manipulating nftables tables etc.
> but doesn't help with generating BPF-bytecode of the actual rules. This is
> done by the nftables-binary but not in a library. Generating that BPF-code
> is the actual hard part here and using libnftnl directly would mean we would
> have to do that on our own thus actually reimplementing the stuff that the
> nftables binary does.
> Another option would be to generate an nftables rule-file and "applying"
> this by calling the nftables binary, not exactly that trivial and / or clean
> either.
>> Back to original problem of adding iptables rules awareness to kernel
>> modules -
>> I think that until nftables is fully supported in openwrt, it is
>> possible to either patch the firewall package or libipct to notify
>> about rules changes. Can such a change be acceptable in formal
>> release?
> Notify whom? I mean we could probably notify someone or something when the
> high-level openwrt firewall is reloaded. In fact there is already a
> user-script hook.
> Cheers,
> Steven
>> Best Regards,
>> Tomer
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Steven Barth <cy...@openwrt.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Tomer,
>>> Regarding the firewall package - its probably a dumb question, but isn't
>>> this the reason for nftables' compatibility layer?
>>> (http://git.netfilter.org/iptables-nftables/)
>>> afaik - and please correct me if I'm wrong - that works only for the
>>> iptables CLI command, however our firewall tool currently uses
>>> libiptables
>>> directly so I don't think it would work easily.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Steven
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Tomer
>>> On Dec 14, 2014 7:08 PM, "Steven Barth" <cy...@openwrt.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tomer,
>>>>> I am currently working on a kernel module which offloads traffic from
>>>>> the
>>>>> Networking stack.
>>>>> This is part of a project which optimizes IP forwarding for low end
>>>>> routers that have weak CPU and low on memory.
>>>> Sounds interesting. Other approaches of speeding up forwarding are btw.
>>>> also investigated right now, see https://dev.openwrt.org/changeset/43587
>>>>> I saw that nftables and libnftables are not yet supported in my openwrt
>>>>> codebase (I am working with attitude adjustment 14.07)
>>>> there is no attitude adjustment 14.07. attitude adjustment is 12.09,
>>>> barrier breaker is 14.07.
>>>>> - but saw that recently some nftables related patches were added to the
>>>>> master branch by you.
>>>>> Could you please share the current status of nftables support in
>>>>> openwrt?
>>>> nftables is packaged, I added some patches so that it is a bit more
>>>> embedded friendly (some of those are upstream, some of them aren't). I
>>>> also
>>>> packaged and reorganised the netfilter kernel packages.
>>>> So you can select nftables in menuconfig and can play around with it.
>>>> You
>>>> can also get rid of iptables and use nftables only by deselecting the
>>>> related packages.
>>>> Known Issues
>>>> * In general its not well tested. It might blow up here or there. Help
>>>> and
>>>> bugreports are appreciated.
>>>> * We are aiming for kernel 3.14 for the next release which has somewhat
>>>> reasonable nftables support but lacks some useful things e.g. devgroups,
>>>> extended reject support among maybe other things iirc. So it will be
>>>> there
>>>> to play around / get a first look at it but thats it. I don't know how
>>>> the
>>>> following release will look but I wouldn't keep my hopes up all too high
>>>> there for it to change that much.
>>>> * Which brings us to the main issue, our firewall abstraction (the
>>>> firewall package, all the /etc/config/firewall magic) is tied to
>>>> iptables at
>>>> the moment, so if you want to use nftables right now you get bare metal
>>>> and
>>>> have to write your own rulesets completely from scratch, cannot use
>>>> /etc/config/firewall or a gui.
>>>> Hopefully someone will put some effort into this next year and refactor
>>>> our firewall daemon to use nftables but thats a major effort. Also at
>>>> the
>>>> moment its not very clear when the netfilter team will create a
>>>> high-level
>>>> library to interact with nftables which would probably be sort of a
>>>> prerequisite for it depending on how this rewritten daemon will work.
>>>>> Regardless, I will be happy to participate with the development and
>>>>> testing of nftables if needed, just let me know if I can help,
>>>> Feel free to play around with it and send me bugreports etc.
>>>> If it looks like an nftables bug you should probably contact the
>>>> netfilter
>>>> guys directly. If it looks like I messed up a patch or a package
>>>> definition
>>>> then tell me.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Steven
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