Am 16.12.2014 um 19:02 schrieb Christian Schoenebeck:
> Hi,
> I would prefer to make it configurable like libcurl, busybox and others so 
> select the option you need during compile.
Well, the idea of providing multiple package variants is to allow users
to upgrade/downgrade their system at runtime.
If nobody cares about that, then let's fix the package functionality at
compilation time.
That's a fundamental decision.

> Base inside OpenWrt should be without any options, because dnsmasq is only 
> used as IPv4 DHCP.
> Have you ever check the funny thing happen, if you select more than 1 (*) 
> inside menuconfig ?
> You get a funny build because they are build inside the same build directory 
> and installed in any order. So who win the install.
> In the past I also got broken packages, if I select more than 1 (*) or (M).
> NEVER select more then one inside menuconfig!!!
Indeed, I noticed that, too.
If there are multiple package variants, they should conflict at
installation time (but not at compilation time).


> I think the Makefile needs a redesign anyway.
> Christian
> Am 16.12.2014 um 18:25 schrieb Frank Schäfer:
>> Hi,
>> to be able to build dnsmasq with DNS auth and/or IPSET and/or DNSSEC
>> support people are currently forced to enable the whole IPv6 stuff.
>> Current package layout:
>> dnsmasq: ---
>> dnsmasq-dhcpv6: +DHCPv6 (depends on IPv6)
>> dnsmasq-full: +DNS auth, +IPSET, +DHCPv6, +DNSSEC (depends on IPv6)
>> Build sizes (checked with dnsmasq 2.72, ar71xx) are about
>> base size:     130.8 kB
>> IPSET:         +1 kB
>> DNS auth:    +6-7 kB
>> dhcpv6:       +27.7 kB
>> dnssec:       +19 kB (incl. trust-anchors.conf)
>> (IPv6 enabled: +4.5 kB)
>> My suggestion would be to extend/change the package layout to
>> dnsmasq-mini: ---
>> dnsmasq: +DNS Auth, +IPSET
>> dnsmasq-dhcpv6: +DNS auth, +IPSET, +DHCPv6 (depends on IPv6)
>> dnsmasq-dnssec: +DNS auth, +IPSET, +DNSSEC
>> dnsmasq-full: +DNS auth, +IPSET, +DHCPv6, +DNSSEC (depends on IPv6)
>> Does that sound reasonable ?
>> Regards,
>> Frank Schäfer
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