Drasko DRASKOVIC <drasko.drasko...@gmail.com> wrote:
    > WeIO (http://we-io.net/) is new OpenWrt (Barrier Breaker) powered
    > development board for rapid prototyping and IoT, based on Carambola 2
    > module (Atheros AR9331 CPU).

    > It has a good Indiegogo success so far:
    > https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/weio-platform-for-web-of-things,
    > and source code of the main app is here:
    > https://github.com/nodesign/weio, while BSP is here:
    > https://github.com/nodesign/openwrt (currently working on set of
    > patches to be pushed to upstream soon).

    > We hope that this project will lead to further popularization of
    > OpenWrt, as so far we are quite satisfied with results and
    > performance.

So, 400Mhz ARM, single wired ethernet that needs to be populated, as far as I
can see.   Lots of I/O...  Yes, a nice IoT platform.

Any battery management?  The AR9331 uses the Ath9K wifi driver?
I'm thinking about ease of sticking it in a tree with a solar panel.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [
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