I would like to add a new device to /target/linux/mpc83xx witch needs a
special kernel.
As I see in other targets this is done usually by adding a first
subtarget, moving the actual config to it and adding a a first profile.
Is there a special naming convention for the first subtarget?

Should I use
Makefile: SUBTARGETS: generic
generic/target.mk: BOARDNAME:=Generic
generic/profiles/00-default.mk: Profile/Default

or is it better to use:
Makefile: SUBTARGETS: mikrotik
generic/target.mk: BOARDNAME:=Mikrotik devices RB600/RB300
generic/profiles/01-rb600.mk: Profile/RB600

Or is there a much better naming to be used?
BTW, the profile naming seems to be some times in only uppercase, only
lowercases or camel-case. This means Profile/RB600, Profile/rb600 and
Profile/Rb600 could be possible. Which "case" is preferred?

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