Hi all,

I've flashed my Netgear WNDR4300 with trunk r41336 and have run a series of tests.

Everything looks great! I can restore backed up settings, I can configure it from scratch too should I desire.

Sysupgrade works fine on my WNDR4300 via the web UI. Paul if you're still having issues with this on your WNDR3700v4 it may be specific to that model; I do not have one of these to test on unfortunately. But sysupgrade on the WNDR4300 works and works well. All settings are kept when sysupgrading too.

If it helps Paul out I can email him my config file, write me directly for it; that should eliminate any mistakes that have been overlooked. Easy to do.

Will run the router for a few hours on the test bench and do some traffic through it, should that play nice then it's problems resolved on my end :)


On 25/06/14 13:14, Paul Blazejowski wrote:

what do you know? hehehe when one sleeps another fixes things ;-)

so far so good, my router has been up for few hours without problems...
there's still issue with the sysupgrade image that John is already aware
of ... and may have a fix for us to test ... one fix at a time they say.

glad we made much progress today!

thank you all!

On Wed, 2014-06-25 at 00:07 +0000, Adam Kuklycz wrote:
Geez, it must be true that you should only sleep when you're dead...damn Aussie 
time zones...

I'll test with latest trunk as well & will confirm.  But looks promising!

-----Original Message-----
From: openwrt-devel [mailto:openwrt-devel-boun...@lists.openwrt.org] On Behalf 
Of Paul Blazejowski
Sent: Wednesday, 25 June 2014 6:27 AM
To: John Crispin
Cc: openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [BUG] NAND sysupgrade broke ubifs on Netgear 

sorry i meant https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/16803 the previous one is closed 
for good ;-)

On Tue, 2014-06-24 at 16:25 -0400, Paul Blazejowski wrote:
Hi again,

thanks for the tftp fix, flushing just became so much faster and easier.

Tested trunk r41336 after your jffs2 fix and the image boots fine,
restored my configuration changes, rebooted the router and all changes
are saved now. I will post the working dmesg to the ticket at
https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/16840 but it is safe to say that you
can close it ;-) now.

Sysupgrade image(s) for 3700v4 and 4300 do not work now, guess this is
next on the list...

Thank you,

On Tue, 2014-06-24 at 20:18 +0200, John Crispin wrote:
On 24/06/2014 19:05, Paul Blazejowski wrote:

Yes i use the reset with pin and from there i tftp the original
firmware from netgear after that i go to the gui and upload the
open-wrt image because the router will not accept the wndr3700v4
image (there's a cosmetic fix for that, i created a patch that
someone from the forums has sent months ago to this list but it
was never accepted...) https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/16840

With that patch tftp'ing the
openwrt-ar71xx-nand-wndr3700v4-ubi-factory.img works without need
to flash the original firmware.

If there's another method that can be used to flash the image(s)
please let me know i would want to try any alternative ways of
flashing and could learn a thing or two in the process as well ;-)

Thank you, -paul


i just pushed the V vs v fix and another fix that removes the jffs2
magic. i think this might have been the cause of the problems.
please retry with current trunk and let me know if the problem is
gone or still there

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