Hello Chirag,
I think I understand your method, although it is far from being
automatic (which I was hoping for), anyway, I'll probably try it a bit
later if I fail to locate my bug-of-interest otherwise.
Thank you for the detailed explanation. I think it definitely deserves
some place in documentation.
21.06.2014 23:59, Chirag Chhatriwala wrote:
I generally try to do the following:
1. perform a git clone on the branch or trunk.
2. perform "git log --grep="<svn_id>", grab the hashtag or commit id and
note the date and time of that checkin and perform a "git checkout
<commit id>", this will create a detached HEAD and will leave you at the
<commit it> and nothing after it.
3. if you are going to add feeds, you need to do something similar for
the feeds as well.. I.E. create a folder named "feeds" under your source
and checkout your feeds (most likely git based now).
4. for each feeds you checked out, perform a "git log
--before="YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+Zone" format
5. grab the latest commit id and perform a "git checkout <feed commit
id>" (for each feed checked out)
This way you know that everything you are building is roughly the same
age as the latest svn commit that you're trying to replicate. You may
end up missing a commit or two but you will be fairly close to building
the version you want. Its not exact science but it is close enough.
Otherwise you may end up checking out an old version of openwrt, but
have it built against the latest pacakges/luci/routing/telephony feeds
and things may (most likely will) break.
It used to be easier when everything was svn based and you could just
specify the svn id in your feeds in the format
svn://feed.location@<svn_ID>. Things change so we adapt.
Hope this helps. Let me know if this is not clear.
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