* Weedy <weedy2...@gmail.com> [06.06.2014 09:23]:
> On 5 Jun 2014 04:19, "Bastian Bittorf" <bitt...@bluebottle.com> wrote:
> > 3)
> > during bootup or '/etc/init.d/$daemon enable' we build a directory for
> > enabled scripts. while we are at it, we can e.g. call 'ifup'/$ACTION if the
> > daemon supports/implements it, otherwise ignore
> You mean the symlinks in /etc/rcS/?

No: /sbin/hotplug-call is executed on events. It iterates over


and executes all the script ($1 is the type, e.g. iface)
So the idea is to have a temp-dir which is used for this,
e.g. generated on startup and on changes via
/etc/init.d/$daemon enabled/disabled

this means e.g., that not _every_ hotplug-script must ask
for "enabled?"

bye, bastian
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