>From 735993f3d5ec109962681102d645fe20431b3237 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthew Fatheree <matthew.fathe...@belkin.com>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 01:38:20 +0700
Subject: [PATCH 18/30] mamba mvebu: support switch2jffs for mamba

Mamba use the syscfg partition formatted in ubifs type as the overlay
partition to store the router configuration. This overlay style is
different from OpenWRT. We created a swith2jffs_mamba script to support
mounting the overlayfs in Fail Safe Mode or in case of ramoverlay. The
original switch2jffs on the rootfs is  a symbolic link to
/sbin/mount_root, we cannot overwrite the symbolic link directly. We
created the script with a different name - switch2jffs_mamba. During the
Image/mkfs/prepare/default, we try to overwrite the switch2jffs with

Signed-off-by: Matthew Fatheree <matthew.fathe...@belkin.com>
 .../files/sbin/switch2jffs_mamba                   |  122 ++++++++++++++++++++
 target/linux/mvebu/image/Makefile                  |    2 +
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 package/linksys-base-files/files/sbin/switch2jffs_mamba

diff --git a/package/linksys-base-files/files/sbin/switch2jffs_mamba 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e167c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/linksys-base-files/files/sbin/switch2jffs_mamba
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+. /lib/functions.sh
+# mtdpart: the ubifs syscfg partition
+# rom: the read-only rootfs mount point
+# overlay: the overlay upper directory
+# ramoverlay: if ramoverlay is activated, ramoverlay=1
+pre_check() {
+       # return 1 on failed
+       grep -qs ubifs /proc/filesystems ||  return 1
+       grep -qs overlayfs /proc/filesystems ||  return 1
+       [ ! -e $SYSCFG_UBIFS_MNT ] && mkdir -p $SYSCFG_UBIFS_MNT
+       mtdpart="$(find_mtd_part syscfg)"
+       [ -z "$mtdpart" ] && return 1
+       mtdpart_idx="$(echo $mtdpart | tr -d "/dev/mtdblock")"
+    rom=$(awk '/jffs2 ro/ {print $2}' /proc/mounts)
+    overlay=$(awk '/ubifs/ {print $2}' /proc/mounts | tail -n 1)
+       ramoverlay=1
+    grep -qs 'overlayfs:/tmp/root' /proc/mounts || ramoverlay=0
+       return 0
+try_ubifs_syscfg_mount() {
+       overlay_mountpoint=$1
+       if [ -z $overlay_mountpoint ]
+       then
+               overlay_mountpoint=/overlay
+       fi
+       recover_ubifs=0
+       [ ! -e /dev/ubi0 ] && ubiattach -m $mtdpart_idx /dev/ubi_ctrl || 
+       if [ $recover_ubifs -eq 0 ]
+       then
+               ubi0_nod_id=`cat /sys/class/ubi/ubi0/dev | tr -s ":" " "`
+               [ ! -e /dev/ubi0 ] && mknod /dev/ubi0 c ${ubi0_nod_id}
+               if [ ! -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi0_0/dev ]
+               then
+                       # no volume
+                       recover_ubifs=1
+               else
+                       # check for "syscfg" volume
+                       ubi0_0_nod_id=`cat /sys/class/ubi/ubi0_0/dev | tr -s 
":" " "`
+                       [ ! -e /dev/ubi0_0 ] && mknod /dev/ubi0_0 c 
+                       { ubinfo /dev/ubi0_0 | grep Name  | grep -qs "syscfg" ; 
} || \
+                       recover_ubifs=1
+               fi
+       fi
+       if [ $recover_ubifs -eq 1 ]
+       then
+               echo "ubifs syscfg partition is damaged"
+               echo "try to recover by formatting $mtdpart..."
+               [ -e /dev/ubi0 ] && ubidetach -m $mtdpart_idx
+               ubiformat -y -q /dev/mtd$mtdpart_idx
+               ubiattach -m $mtdpart_idx /dev/ubi_ctrl
+               ubi0_nod_id=`cat /sys/class/ubi/ubi0/dev | tr -s ":" " "`
+               [ ! -e /dev/ubi0 ] && mknod /dev/ubi0 c ${ubi0_nod_id}
+               ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 0 -N syscfg -t dynamic --maxavsize
+       fi
+       # finally mount the ubifs
+       mount -t ubifs -o noatime ubi0:syscfg $SYSCFG_UBIFS_MNT || return 1
+       [ ! -d $SYSCFG_UBIFS_MNT/openwrt_overlay ] && mkdir -p 
+       mount -o bind $SYSCFG_UBIFS_MNT/openwrt_overlay $overlay_mountpoint
+       return 0
+with_fo_cleanup() {
+    # try to get rid of /tmp/root
+    # this will almost always fail
+       # unmount overlay
+    umount -l /tmp/root 2>&-
+       # umount ramfs
+    umount -l /tmp/root 2>&-
+       grep -q overlay /proc/filesystems && {
+               cd $overlay
+               (
+                       find -type l
+               ) | while read FILE; do
+                       [ -z "$FILE" ] && break
+                       if ls -la "$FILE" 2>&- | grep -q '(overlay-whiteout)'; 
+                               rm -f "$FILE"
+                       fi
+               done
+       }
+if [ ! -z "$overlay" ]
+       echo "overlayfs is mounted"
+       if [ "$ramoverlay" -eq 1 ]
+       then
+               echo "switch from ramoverlay to ubifs overlay"
+               overlay=/rom/overlay
+               try_ubifs_syscfg_mount $overlay || exit 1
+               # try to avoid fs changing while copying
+               mount -o remount,ro none / 2>&-
+               # copy ramoverlay to ubifs overlay
+               echo -n "copying files ... "
+               cp -a /tmp/root/* $overlay 2>&-
+               echo "done"
+               # switch back to ro rootfs (temporarily)
+               # and park the ramdisk ontop of /tmp/root
+               pivot /rom /mnt
+               # after pivot to rom, $overlay may change
+               overlay=$(awk '/ubifs/ {print $2}' /proc/mounts | tail -n 1)
+               mount -o move /mnt /tmp/root
+               # /overlay is the overlay
+               # /rom is the readonly
+               fopivot $overlay /rom
+               with_fo_cleanup
+       else
+               echo "try to mount overlayfs"
+               overlay=/overlay
+               try_ubifs_syscfg_mount $overlay || exit 1
+               fopivot $overlay /rom
+       fi
diff --git a/target/linux/mvebu/image/Makefile 
index 63ed2ac..8c02f4a 100644
--- a/target/linux/mvebu/image/Makefile
+++ b/target/linux/mvebu/image/Makefile
@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ define Image/mkfs/prepare/default
        chmod 1777 $(TARGET_DIR)/tmp
        rm -f $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/jffs2reset
        rm -f $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/admin/system.lua
+       rm -f $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/switch2jffs
        mv $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/jffs2reset_mamba $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/jffs2reset
        mv $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/admin/system.lua_mamba 
+       mv $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/switch2jffs_mamba $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/switch2jffs

 endif # PROFILE == Mamba

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