I made the patch first, as configuration process complained about invalid
unexpected token in the configure script. (Buildhost is Ubuntu 13.10 and
14.04 x64.)
I later figured out the configure option and and added it. But as the
configure process still complained about the unexpected token if the patch
was removed, I left the patch there after all. My configure skills are not
good enough to write a more elegant fix :-(
Karl P wrote Sun May 4 13:31:04 CEST 2014:
> Your changes to the config disable sigrok, why is a patch for it still
> > On 05/04/2014 11:22 AM, Hannu Nyman wrote:
> >/905-disable-sigrok-glib: libsigrok checks for a glib-related macro that
breaks /
> >/configure. Bypass the invalid macro. I have also added a disabling
option in /
> >/Makefile.
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