Hi,    My borad consists of a rt5350 core module and a bottom board.  The 
bottom board is layouted by my colleague. I buy rt5350 core module on 
taobao.com in china as 
   But I don't think you need to get a rt5350 board to look at this bug. The 
bug is in ralink-gdma.c, so youcan test it on your own board.
Best Regards,

 From: John CrispinDate: 2014-04-04 22:13To: openwrt-develSubject: Re: 
[OpenWrt-Devel] Does anyone have used Ralink i2s under openwrt? 
On 04/04/2014 08:14, zhenjun_...@icloudaegis.com wrote:
> Hi, I have checked that  "drivers/dma/ralink-gdma.c" works with an
> bug. In function "gdma_dma_start_transfer", dma buffer contains
> the correct data. But buffer data changes when transimision is done
> in function "gdma_dma_chan_irq".  It seem like that after start
> action the caller update the data in buffer. This is the reason why
> I heard "Left...Left". I wrote some code to save data in an another
> buffer, then to transmite. The wave file sounds well now. My board
> still have some problem. The codec doesn't sound sometimes. I have
> to fight against it. Do the author of ralink-dma driver or any
> others have time to fix this bug completely?
> Best Regards,
once i fixed the codec problem on my unit i will look at the bug. can
you help me get one of the rt5350 boards that you have ? can you tell
me a link the the board ?
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