On 20.02.2014 09:30, Nils Rennebarth wrote:
> Hello,
> For my custom package, I need to build a tool from the package source that is 
> only need for the build process, i.e. must run on the host, not on the target 
> system. What is the appropriate way to do that?
> I suppose the proper way would be to put it in the tools directory, wher 
> patch, cmake et. al are present as well. But this is not a general purpose 
> tool but a specialized thing that is ony needed to build this custom package.
> Simply overwriting the CC, LD, AR, ...variables for compilation works.
> Is there a better (less hackish) way?

There is
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk

define Host/Compile
define Host/Install

$(eval $(call HostBuild))

used in several feeds/packages

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