> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Matti Laakso <malaakso at elisanet.fi 
> <https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel>> wrote:
> >/ To get it to build just add a declaration to
> />/
> />/ trunk/package/kernel/linux/modules/usb.mk
> />/
> />/ like this:
> />/
> />/ define KernelPackage/usb-net-kalmia
> />/   TITLE:=Samsung Kalmia based LTE USB modem
> />/   FILES:=$(LINUX_DIR)/drivers/net/usb/kalmia.ko
> />/   AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoProbe,kalmia)
> />/   $(call AddDepends/usb-net)
> />/ endef
> />/
> />/ define KernelPackage/usb-net-kalmia/description
> />/  Kernel support for Samsung Kalmia based LTE USB modem
> />/ endef
> />/
> />/ $(eval $(call KernelPackage,usb-net-kalmia))
> />/
> /
> I must say I'm impressed how easy that was!
> Can we please add this package to the code base? Can you do that or should
> I send in a patch for that?

I just sent one.

> Some questions about that:
> - Are you aware of other UMTS/LTE modems which use the WWAN subsystem and
> require a chat script for initialization as well?

Most LTE modems and many 3G modems use the WWAN subsystem, but instead
of AT-commands require the use of some binary protocol, e.g. qmi.
There's some work done regarding that, but it's unfinished:

> This leads to several questions:
> - I'd like to distribute my built image with the "kalmia" kernel package
> and the replaced chat script. Are you fine with that? Is there anything I
> have to take care of?

Go ahead, people with that modem are certainly grateful!

> - What's the best way to add device-specific chat scripts and support them
> in the webinterface?
> An easy workaround would be to introduce new service types e.g., the user
> would have to specify a custom service type "samsung-gt-b3740". Then, the
> 3g.sh script could be modified to deal with this type and use the
> device-specific chat script. The best solution would be if the webinterface
> detects the modem type and automatically takes care of the necessary steps
> (install kalmia kernel module, set up both interfaces, use device-specific
> chat script). Otherwise, the user always depends on a tutorial.

I suppose the best way is to add a new protocol, something like "WWAN
with AT-commands" and integrate it to netifd, which would then handle
reading the configuration and sending the AT-commands without extra scripts.

Matti Laakso
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