Fixes to my previously sent patch, for a reminder of what this does:

 - Uses "official" raspberry pi kernel sources for kernel when building image 
for brcm2708(raspberry pi)
 - Updates chosen kernel version to 3.12.7(y)
 - To mark that we are using rpi kernel, kernel version is set to 3.12.7y
Changes from my previous patch:
 - My previous patch was missing arch specific patch that changes version 
identifier to 3.12.7y, this fix allows kernel to actually find it's modules..
 - Changed generic patches so they don't need to be duplicated, "normal" 3.12 
patches apply after a small change to patch number 880..

This patch is not dependant from any of my earlier patches- just patch straught 
to trunk..

Signed-off-by: Oskari Rauta <>

Attachment: openwrt-rpi-kernel-3.12.7y.patch
Description: Binary data

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