On 2013-11-10 14:25, Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> * Felix Fietkau <n...@openwrt.org> [10.11.2013 13:13]:
>> For it to matter, I'm more interested in the absolute time saved than
>> relative differences on a completely unrealistic number of iterations.
>> In the case you're describing, it's still only saving about 7 ms per
>> interface-up event, that's not a lot.
> i did some more debugging and it seems, that during bootup
> '/sbin/hotplug' is called ~290 times:
> http://intercity-vpn.de/files/openwrt/hotplug-calls-debug-r38651.txt
> also during bootup there are calls for wifi down?:
> are all the calls to HOTPLUG_TYPE=tty intended?
> it doesnt seem very efficient...
Now that's something worth optimizing. According to a simple grep, the
part that uses the tty events is comgt (for 3g device hotplugging).
We can probably fix this inefficiency by using a more specific rule in
procd's hotplug json-script to replace the generic tty hotplug calls.
We could then also make it check if the /etc/hotplug.d/$SUBSYSTEM
directory exists before issuing a call to /sbin/hotplug-call.

- Felix
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