Since the ath10k driver is getting along nicely, I reckon its time to get proper
802.11ac support to OpenWrt. This patch introduces 802.11ac support to
mac80211 and hostapd. Since the changes overall are rather small, I decided to
put everything in a single patch. Let me know if you prefer this to be split up.
The patch introduces a new hwmode "11acna" to the uci wireless configuration
It is a bit superfluous, since ac implies n and a, but this was the approach
to me seemed to involve least changes. Also, I didn't yet include support for
VHT160 split in two 80 MHz bands, since it requires an additional user supplied
parameter for the channel of the second band. I'm also not sure if ACS support
hostapd is required for ac-support, but I included it anyway. Finally, actually
using 80 MHz channels requires a new regulatory database, which comes when
compat-wireless is updated (not included here).
Signed-off-by: Matti Laakso <>
Index: package/base-files/files/sbin/wifi
--- package/base-files/files/sbin/wifi (revision 38640)
+++ package/base-files/files/sbin/wifi (working copy)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
wifi_fixup_hwmode() {
local device="$1"
local default="$2"
- local hwmode hwmode_11n
+ local hwmode hwmode_11n hwmode_11ac
config_get channel "$device" channel
config_get hwmode "$device" hwmode
@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@
config_set "$device" hwmode_11n "$hwmode_11n"
+ 11ac*)
+ hwmode_11n=a
+ hwmode_11ac=a
+ config_set "$device" hwmode_11n "$hwmode_11n"
+ config_set "$device" hwmode_11ac "$hwmode_11ac"
+ ;;
if [ "${channel:-0}" -gt 0 ]; then
Index: package/kernel/mac80211/files/lib/wifi/
--- package/kernel/mac80211/files/lib/wifi/ (revision 38640)
+++ package/kernel/mac80211/files/lib/wifi/ (working copy)
@@ -41,6 +41,50 @@
[ -n "$ht_capab" ] && append base_cfg "ht_capab=$ht_capab"
+ config_get hwmode_11ac "$device" hwmode_11ac
+ [ -n "$hwmode_11ac" ] && {
+ hwmode="$hwmode_11ac"
+ append base_cfg "ieee80211ac=1" "$N"
+ config_get htmode "$device" htmode
+ config_get vhtmode "$device" vhtmode
+ config_get vht_capab_list "$device" vht_capab
+ idx="$channel"
+ case "$vhtmode" in
+ VHT80)
+ case "$channel" in
+ 36|40|44|48) idx=42;;
+ 52|56|60|64) idx=58;;
+ 100|104|108|112) idx=106;;
+ 116|120|124|128) idx=122;;
+ 132|136|140|144) idx=138;;
+ 149|153|157|161) idx=155;;
+ esac
+ append base_cfg "vht_oper_chwidth=1"
+ append base_cfg
"vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx=$idx" "$N"
+ ;;
+ VHT160)
+ case "$channel" in
+ 36|40|44|48|52|56|60|64)
100|104|108|112|116|120|124|128) idx=114;;
+ esac
+ append base_cfg "vht_oper_chwidth=2"
+ append base_cfg
"vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx=$idx" "$N"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ case "$htmode" in
+ HT20) ;;
+ HT40+) idx=$((idx+2));;
+ HT40-) idx=$((idx-2));;
+ esac
+ append base_cfg "vht_oper_chwidth=0"
+ append base_cfg
"vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx=$idx" "$N"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ for cap in $vht_capab_list; do
+ vht_capab="$vht_capab[$cap]"
+ done
+ [ -n "$vht_capab" ] && append base_cfg "vht_capab=$vht_capab"
+ }
local country_ie=0
@@ -602,6 +646,7 @@
[ "$found" -gt 0 ] && continue
+ mode_11ac=""
@@ -624,6 +669,40 @@
[ "$(($ht_cap & 768))" -eq 768 ] && append ht_capab "$list
RX-STBC123" "$N"
[ "$(($ht_cap & 4096))" -eq 4096 ] && append ht_capab "$list
DSSS_CCK-40" "$N"
+ vht_cap=0
+ for cap in $(iw phy "$dev" info | awk -F "[()]" '/VHT
Capabilities/ { print $2 }'); do
+ vht_cap="$(($vht_cap | $cap))"
+ done
+ vht_capab="";
+ [ "$vht_cap" -gt 0 ] && {
+ mode_11ac="ac"
+ append vht_capab " option vhtmode VHT80" "$N"
+ list=" list vht_capab"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 3))" -eq 1 ] && append vht_capab "$list
MAX-MPDU-7991" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 3))" -eq 2 ] && append vht_capab "$list
MAX-MPDU-11454" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 12))" -eq 4 ] && append vht_capab "$list
VHT160" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 12))" -eq 8 ] && append vht_capab "$list
VHT160-80PLUS80" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 16))" -eq 16 ] && append vht_capab "$list
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 32))" -eq 32 ] && append vht_capab "$list
SHORT-GI-80" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 64))" -eq 64 ] && append vht_capab "$list
SHORT-GI-160" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 128))" -eq 128 ] && append vht_capab "$list
TX-STBC-2BY1" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 1792))" -eq 256 ] && append vht_capab "$list
RX-STBC-1" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 1792))" -eq 512 ] && append vht_capab "$list
RX-STBC-12" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 1792))" -eq 768 ] && append vht_capab "$list
RX-STBC-123" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 1792))" -eq 1024 ] && append vht_capab "$list
RX-STBC-1234" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 2048))" -eq 2048 ] && append vht_capab "$list
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 4096))" -eq 4096 ] && append vht_capab "$list
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 524288))" -eq 524288 ] && append vht_capab "$list
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 1048576))" -eq 1048576 ] && append vht_capab "$list
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 2097152))" -eq 2097152 ] && append vht_capab "$list
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 4194304))" -eq 4194304 ] && append vht_capab "$list
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 201326592))" -eq 134217728 ] && append vht_capab
"$list VHT-LINK-ADAPT2" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 201326592))" -eq 201326592 ] && append vht_capab
"$list VHT-LINK-ADAPT3" "$N"
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 268435456))" -eq 268435456 ] && append vht_capab
+ [ "$(($vht_cap & 536870912))" -eq 536870912 ] && append vht_capab
+ }
iw phy "$dev" info | grep -q '2412 MHz' || { mode_band="a";
channel="36"; }
if [ -x /usr/bin/readlink ]; then
@@ -638,9 +717,10 @@
config wifi-device radio$devidx
option type mac80211
option channel ${channel}
- option hwmode 11${mode_11n}${mode_band}
+ option hwmode 11${mode_11ac}${mode_11n}${mode_band}
option disabled 1
Index: package/network/services/hostapd/files/hostapd-full.config
--- package/network/services/hostapd/files/hostapd-full.config (revision 38640)
+++ package/network/services/hostapd/files/hostapd-full.config (working copy)
@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@
# IEEE 802.11n (High Throughput) support
+# IEEE 802.11ac (Very High Throughput) support
# Remove debugging code that is printing out debug messages to stdout.
# This can be used to reduce the size of the hostapd considerably if debugging
# code is not needed.
@@ -163,4 +166,28 @@
+# Automatic Channel Selection
+# This will allow hostapd to pick the channel automatically when channel is set
+# to "acs_survey" or "0". Eventually, other ACS algorithms can be added in
+# similar way.
+# Automatic selection is currently only done through initialization, later on
+# we hope to do background checks to keep us moving to more ideal channels as
+# time goes by. ACS is currently only supported through the nl80211 driver and
+# your driver must have survey dump capability that is filled by the driver
+# during scanning.
+# You can customize the ACS survey algorithm with the hostapd.conf variable
+# acs_num_scans.
+# Supported ACS drivers:
+# * ath9k
+# * ath5k
+# * ath10k
+# For more details refer to:
Index: package/network/services/hostapd/files/hostapd-mini.config
--- package/network/services/hostapd/files/hostapd-mini.config (revision 38640)
+++ package/network/services/hostapd/files/hostapd-mini.config (working copy)
@@ -138,6 +138,9 @@
# IEEE 802.11n (High Throughput) support
+# IEEE 802.11ac (Very High Throughput) support
# Remove debugging code that is printing out debug messages to stdout.
# This can be used to reduce the size of the hostapd considerably if debugging
# code is not needed.
@@ -156,4 +159,28 @@
+# Automatic Channel Selection
+# This will allow hostapd to pick the channel automatically when channel is set
+# to "acs_survey" or "0". Eventually, other ACS algorithms can be added in
+# similar way.
+# Automatic selection is currently only done through initialization, later on
+# we hope to do background checks to keep us moving to more ideal channels as
+# time goes by. ACS is currently only supported through the nl80211 driver and
+# your driver must have survey dump capability that is filled by the driver
+# during scanning.
+# You can customize the ACS survey algorithm with the hostapd.conf variable
+# acs_num_scans.
+# Supported ACS drivers:
+# * ath9k
+# * ath5k
+# * ath10k
+# For more details refer to:
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