A similar change was recently merged in iw commit

Signed-off-by: Bruno Randolf <b...@einfach.org>
 .../network/utils/iw/patches/140-freq-11j.patch    | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 package/network/utils/iw/patches/140-freq-11j.patch

diff --git a/package/network/utils/iw/patches/140-freq-11j.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae1f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/iw/patches/140-freq-11j.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+--- a/iw.h
++++ b/iw.h
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void print_ht_capability(__u16 cap);
+ const char *iftype_name(enum nl80211_iftype iftype);
+ const char *command_name(enum nl80211_commands cmd);
+-int ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(int chan);
++int ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(int chan, enum nl80211_band band);
+ int ieee80211_frequency_to_channel(int freq);
+ void print_ssid_escaped(const uint8_t len, const uint8_t *data);
+--- a/phy.c
++++ b/phy.c
+@@ -66,8 +66,12 @@ static int handle_freqchan(struct nl_msg
+       if (*end)
+               return 1;
+-      if (chan)
+-              freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(freq);
++      if (chan) {
++              enum nl80211_band band;
++              band = freq <= 14 ? NL80211_BAND_2GHZ : NL80211_BAND_5GHZ;
++              freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(freq, band);
++      }
+       NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ, freq);
+       NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_CHANNEL_TYPE, htval);
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -248,31 +248,37 @@ const char *command_name(enum nl80211_co
+       return cmdbuf;
+ }
+-int ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(int chan)
++int ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(int chan, enum nl80211_band band)
+ {
+-      if (chan < 14)
+-              return 2407 + chan * 5;
+-      if (chan == 14)
+-              return 2484;
+-      /* FIXME: dot11ChannelStartingFactor (802.11-2007 */
+-      return (chan + 1000) * 5;
++      /* see 802.11-2007 and Annex J
++       * there are overlapping channel numbers in 5GHz and 2GHz bands */
++      if (band == NL80211_BAND_5GHZ) {
++              if (chan >= 182 && chan <= 196)
++                      return 4000 + chan * 5;
++              else
++                      return 5000 + chan * 5;
++      } else { /* NL80211_BAND_2GHZ */
++              if (chan == 14)
++                      return 2484;
++              else if (chan < 14)
++                      return 2407 + chan * 5;
++              else
++                      return 0; /* not supported */
++      }
+ }
+ int ieee80211_frequency_to_channel(int freq)
+ {
++      /* see 802.11-2007 and Annex J */
+       if (freq == 2484)
+               return 14;
+-      if (freq < 2484)
++      else if (freq < 2484)
+               return (freq - 2407) / 5;
+-      /* FIXME: dot11ChannelStartingFactor (802.11-2007 */
+-      if (freq < 45000)
+-              return freq/5 - 1000;
+-      if (freq >= 58320 && freq <= 64800)
++      else if (freq >= 4910 && freq <= 4980)
++              return (freq - 4000) / 5;
++      else if (freq < 45000)
++              return (freq - 5000) / 5;
++      else if (freq >= 58320 && freq <= 64800)
+               return (freq - 56160) / 2160;
+       return 0;
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