* Steven Barth <cy...@openwrt.org> [09.10.2013 09:45]:
> I recently added openssl as a generic build dependency for OpenWrt as
> part of the new package signing infrastructure thus I don't think
> using openssl sha256 is problematic.

it's not 'openssl' itself in my case, but the ability to handle 'sha256':

user@farm:~/openwrt$ openssl sha256 Makefile
openssl:Error: 'sha256' is an invalid command.

Standard commands
asn1parse      ca             ciphers        crl            crl2pkcs7      
dgst           dh             dhparam        dsa            dsaparam       
ec             ecparam        enc            engine         errstr         
gendh          gendsa         genrsa         nseq           ocsp           
passwd         pkcs12         pkcs7          pkcs8          prime          
rand           req            rsa            rsautl         s_client       
s_server       s_time         sess_id        smime          speed          
spkac          verify         version        x509           

Message Digest commands (see the `dgst' command for more details)
md2            md4            md5            rmd160         sha            

Cipher commands (see the `enc' command for more details)
aes-128-cbc    aes-128-ecb    aes-192-cbc    aes-192-ecb    aes-256-cbc    
aes-256-ecb    base64         bf             bf-cbc         bf-cfb         
bf-ecb         bf-ofb         cast           cast-cbc       cast5-cbc      
cast5-cfb      cast5-ecb      cast5-ofb      des            des-cbc        
des-cfb        des-ecb        des-ede        des-ede-cbc    des-ede-cfb    
des-ede-ofb    des-ede3       des-ede3-cbc   des-ede3-cfb   des-ede3-ofb   
des-ofb        des3           desx           rc2            rc2-40-cbc     
rc2-64-cbc     rc2-cbc        rc2-cfb        rc2-ecb        rc2-ofb        
rc4            rc4-40         

user@farm:~/openwrt$ openssl
OpenSSL> version
OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010

ok, it's old - but installed 8-) bye, bastian
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