Hello Daniel,

I have tested your resiprocate package at that time you submitted it and it 
worked. If you will send your patch again, I can approve those packages which 
does not belong to telephony repository by adding "Tested-by:" and 
"Reviewed-by" lines since it has been already reviewed and tested. If libasio 
will be merged to packages repository, I will push your reSIProcate package to 
telephony repository. It is an OK from me.

However when you resend your patch, I will test it one more time, but that 
should not take a long time.


Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au> napsal(a):
>Hi Jiri,
>Can you please let me know if you had time to look at this?  Do I need
>to change anything else to have this merged into OpenWRT?
>There will be a new reSIProcate release in the next few weeks and if I
>need to make any upstream fixes please let me know
>On 14/05/13 20:49, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> On 11/05/13 13:33, Jiri Slachta wrote:
>>> Hello Daniel,
>>> I will take a look at this. Would you mind to find out, if there are
>>> updates related to this app in upstream? I'll do some tests and if
>> The asio version 1.4.8 is the latest - they also have a 1.5.3 dev
>> release, but it is not for production use and apps like reSIProcate
>> not tested with it.
>> The latest reSIProcate PKG_VERSION is 1.8.8 - it should work with the
>> same patch
>> The telephony repository is fine for reSIProcate, the asio package is
>> general purpose development lib and belongs with things like boost
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