On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Adam Novak <ano...@soe.ucsc.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> With the latest patch you posted, and by doing "make
> kernel_menuconfig" and searching for CONFIG_NF_NAT_IPV6 and enabling
> all its dependencies (so it showed up in the menus under its
> human-readable name) and then enabling it, I was indeed able to get it
> to build the right modules. The userspace ip6tables seemed to have the
> relevant bits already (unless my enabling of the various extra
> packages for it added them); I think it mostly just passes table and
> target names on to the kernel, right? So I now have working IPv6
> masquerade.
> Anyway, since this works now, I want to write up your last patch as a
> formal [PATCH] message. Do you agree to release it under the
> appropriate licenses for OpenWRT?
> Thanks again! You've been a great help.
Great news and thanks for testing!

Please, add some words to OpenWrt Ticket #13446.
Add some comments how you tested NAT IPv6 and that it works.

As said the kernel-space side is done.

I would prefer to split the "working" patch and put some comments in
As you have seen NAT IPv4 was a bit confusing with the kernel
Kconfig-options and version-check.
So 1/2 should correct this.
2/2 adds the kernel bits for NAT IPv6.
If you enable CONFIG_NF_NAT_IPV6 you have to do sth. with
It's a so-called tristate (y|m|n) and see also comment #2 in Ticket #13446.

As pointed out I don't know which version of iptables has support for
NAT IPv6 and if OpenWrt ships it (for people wanting firewall
Please add a comment in the changelog of the patch.
I cannot say if OpenWrt developers NAK this due to incompleteness.

I cannot test NAT IPv6 nor am I an expert on this area.
( So, it was only compile-tested here. )

Please, put a note about credits and mention Ticket #13446 as a
reference in the changelog, too.

I know OpenWrt people don't like that much to comment or write changelogs.

I will help with reviewing.

- Sedat -

> -Adam
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Sedat Dilek <sedat.di...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Adam Novak <ano...@soe.ucsc.edu> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you so much for your help! I will try your patch when I get home
>>> this evening.
>> With [1] I was able to build a kernel, see also attached 
>> check-nf-nat-kmod.txt.
>> ( But this is only kernel-space stuff. )
>> - Sedat -
>> [1] 
>> https://dev.openwrt.org/attachment/ticket/13446/include-netfilter_mk-kernelspace-v3.diff
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