Thanks for the answer.
I'm aware of the difference between GPL or LGPL. My question was
mostly to try to figure why there was a difference between the library
and the lua binding
Having the library in LGPLv2.1 seems to show a certain intent while
having GPLv2 on the Lua binding shows a different intent (while most
Lua modules are MIT).
I guess I'll have to wait and see if Felix can chime in.


On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 11:23 AM,  <> wrote:
> On 13.08.2013 21:54, Jeff Remy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question regarding the UCI Lua bindings license.
>> libuci itself is LGPLv2.1, the cli utility is GPLv2 and the Lua
>> bindings are GPLv2.
>> I was wondering if this was on purpose?
>> It does not seem to be in line with the library but again, there might
>> be other reasons.
> i am not associated to the UCI authors/project. so i cannot tell you why they 
> did it.
> however, usually licensing like this is done because GPL is restrictive when 
> it comes to linking. see
> because of that lots of projects choose to provide libraries on LGPL or other 
> licenses that do not enforce an OS license on the code the library is linked 
> against to make the library more attractive for commercial usage. other 
> components that do not need to be linked stay under GPL though.
> ..ede
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