Good afternoon,

I'm working on a ramips based router which uses Seama header, it only have 4MB of flash.

 In target/linux/ramips/image/Makefile we have:

# build Seama header images
define BuildFirmware/Seama/squashfs
       $(call BuildFirmware/OF,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(ralink_default_fw_size_8M))
cat $(KDIR)/vmlinux-$(2).bin.lzma $(KDIR)/root.$(1) > $(KDIR)/img_$(2).$(1).tmp
       if [ `stat -c%s "$(KDIR)/img_$(2).$(1).tmp"` -gt 8060864 ]; then \

and so on...

It uses ralink_default_fw_size_8M, is there a way to define it with an if? Like "if router has 4M, ralink_default_fw_size_4M, else ralink_default_fw_size_8M"

I don't know if there's a way to detect the router flash size on the profile or dts file, I'm open to suggestions.


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