This fixes two issues with the patch_libtool fixup when used by a host

1) The '@' in $(patch_libtool) is a shell syntax error if patch_libtool
is not the first fixup, so I think should be removed regardless of (2)

2) The conditionals for Hooks/HostConfigure/Pre were causing
patch_libtool to be applied twice for host builds. I don't see why the
logic for patch_libtool should be different than the other fixups. Note
that HOST_FIXUP is assigned ?= $(PKG_FIXUP) earlier in the makefile.

Signed-off-by: Andy Leiserson <>
Again without space stuffing. Sorry for the double email.

Index: include/
--- include/        (revision 36687)
+++ include/        (working copy)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@

# 1: build dir
define patch_libtool
-       @(cd $(1); \
+       (cd $(1); \
                for lt in $$$$($$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/find . -name; do \
                        lt_version="$$$$($$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/sed -ne 
's,^[[:space:]]*VERSION="\?\([0-9]\.[0-9]\+\).*,\1,p' $$$$lt)"; \
                        case "$$$$lt_version" in \
@@ -139,14 +139,10 @@

-ifneq ($(filter patch-libtool,$(PKG_FIXUP)),)
+ifneq ($(filter patch-libtool,$(HOST_FIXUP)),)
  Hooks/HostConfigure/Pre += patch_libtool_host

-ifneq ($(filter patch-libtool,$(HOST_FIXUP)),)
-  Hooks/HostConfigure/Pre += $(strip $(call patch_libtool,$(HOST_BUILD_DIR)))
ifneq ($(filter libtool,$(HOST_FIXUP)),)
 ifeq ($(filter no-autoreconf,$(HOST_FIXUP)),)
  Hooks/HostConfigure/Pre += autoreconf_host
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