Hi Felix,

I am trying to port the DIR-632-A1 and made the most progress fixing the
ag71xx to work on this board by following what the (working but differently
architectured) DD-WRT driver for the AG7240 does.  It sets ring sizes that are
different from the defaults provided by OPenWRT.  This was one of the changes
I made early on before I finally got eth0 working, so it is possibly
redundant, but I figured the developers chose those values for a reason and
they work for me...

Is the above too verbose? :-)

Note, I am still gaining experience workng with Linux kernel ethernet drivers,
so I dont deeply understand some of the code, but I am following proven
working software and testing by transferring multiple large files.


On 14/05/13 22:28, Felix Fietkau wrote:
> On 2013-05-14 2:33 PM, Andrew McDonnell wrote:
>> This patch allows the platform to configure the default ethernet tx/rx ring
>> size (specifcally, for the ar7242 ag7240 device as found in the D-Link
>> DIR-632-A1).  This patch only causes the platform data to be used if
>> specifically initialised in the board specific support, otherwise the 
>> existing
>> defaults remain in place.
>> This change allows the DIR-632-A1 to set the ring sizes to the same values as
>> is done in the DD-WRT ag7240 driver.
> I can't think of any good reason to make the ring size platform specific
> (and you didn't give one), so NACK from me.
> - Felix

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