It appears that there is a problem with removing items from a list-based
entry in Luci. For example, the System/System NTP Server list has trouble.
Here is one case:
1) Start with the list {a, b, c, d}.
2) Remove {a, b, c} by clicking on the first item's "delete" three times.
3) Save.
4) The list refreshes to {a, b, c, d, d}. The new list {d} is appended
to the old list {a, b, c, d}.
Even with two items {a, b}, removing {a} and saving creates the list {a,
b, b}.
Actually, now I don't see how to make the list into a single item...
So, it appears that if the new list is a single item, it is appended to
the old list instead of replacing it.
[ AA 12.09, Mac OS X, Safari 6.0.4, Samsung LCD monitor :-) ]
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