
i tried to flash a new uboot to the Lantiq based Arties WAV-281 Router,
unfortunately I bricked the device in that process.

Asking in the IRC-cahnnel, DonkeyHotei pointed me to the uart recovery
method of comparable devices (all build by Arcadyan) [1]. But I
wasn't able to find a comaprable method documented for my model.

I think the core question is, which pads schould be bridged in order to
upload executable code via serial to the device.

A Friend of mine did some trail and error research, with briding
various pads on the device. With a few combinations he got different
output on the serial at startup:

Pads bridged                Output
------------                ------

none                        ROM VER: 1.0.3
                            CFG 01
                            Read EEPROMX

R77                         ROM VER: 1.0.3
                            CFG 03
                            Read EEPROMX

R80, R77                    ROM VER: 1.0.3
                            CFG 02

R77, R82                    ROM VER: 1.0.3
(not alway reproducable)    CFG 03

We also tried a few (maybe hundreds ;) ) other combinations but either
the device wasn't starting at all .. or nothing else happend.

For now we are out of ideas ( to be honest we didn't know what we where
doing in the first place).

So i wanted to ask if the "MIIO" is usbale somehow to flash the device,
or wether somebody else knows howto unbrick this device.

Right now we have two bricked devices, and we would be very exited to
see them working again.

With best regards

Yves Müller

[1] http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/arcadyan/arv752dpw#uart
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