Hey hackers!
I'd like to inform you about the 6th upcoming Wireless Battle Mesh[1],
taking place in Aalborg, Denmark this time, 15 Apr - 21 Apr 2013.

Although originally its primary focus was (still is?) on comparing and
benchmarking several mesh algorithms in real-world scenarios, it's an
event where all kind of folks interested in wireless, meshing, embedded
linux and - you won't believe it! - OpenWrt! are going to meet.
Last year, at the WBMv5 (which took place in Athens), most of the
OpenWrt team was present and we had quite some productive meetings and
hackathons - it was really an awesome time and I'm pretty sure all the
others will agree.

If you're interested in joining going there, please consider telling[2]
the orga not just last minute, to make organizing things easier - please
also consider subscribing to the mailing list to be kept in the loop[3].

Even though there are people taking care of basic things (such as
accommodation, etc) - it is an community event, from the community for
the community - you decide what this event is gonna be about! :)

See you in Aalborg!



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