On 20.12.2012 11:16, . Elvis wrote:
> hi all, How to achieve multiple languages in html(templete/view)?
>          or can use i18n to achieve in html?
>          example: <label class="cbi-value-title" for="archive"><%:Restore
> backup%>:</label>
>          how to translate (Restore backup) wording to different language!
> thanks all
> elvis

For the template part thats already it, just have the term which should
be translated inside <%: and %>. The next step is to include that term
in the translations in the po/ directory. There are translation files
for many different packages/modules, the biggest one is base.po which
holds everything from the admin-full module.

There are some helper scripts for generating/updating the translation
files. First step is to update the template for translations, e.g.:

./build/i18n-scan.pl modules/freifunk/ > po/templates/freifunk.pot

After that upgrade all translations from the updated template, e.g.:

./build/i18n-update.pl po freifunk.po

You can edit single translation files by hand, with an editor (e.g.
poedit) or just use the translation portal at

If you want to add a completely new language send a mail here again or
open a ticket so jow can add it.

Hth, soma

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