>>>>> "Roberto" == Roberto Riggio <roberto.rig...@create-net.org> writes:
David> Or is it actually the OpenWRT image that's the problem? If you
David> boot the "working" x86-generic-net45xx image on a Geos or
David> alix2, shouldn't you at least get *some* serial output from the
David> kernel as it boots, before something goes wrong?

Roberto> Same problem also here on alix2. I've tried to run the
Roberto> soekris image but nothing changed.

I tracked it down through prodigious use of grub_dprintf()'s and
debug=all in the grub menu.  Grub2 seems to hang in the
grub_at_fini_hw() function on alix2.  Removing at_keyboard from the
grub_mkimage's construction of core.img allows booting to proceed to a
successful completion.  "Why" is an uninvestigated question at the

Signed-off-by: Russell Senior <russ...@personaltelco.net>

diff --git a/target/linux/x86/image/Makefile b/target/linux/x86/image/Makefile
index 399ce3c..7918b23 100644
--- a/target/linux/x86/image/Makefile
+++ b/target/linux/x86/image/Makefile
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/image.mk
 export PATH=$(TARGET_PATH):/sbin
-GRUB2_MODULES = at_keyboard biosdisk boot chain configfile ext2 linux ls 
part_msdos reboot serial vga
-GRUB2_MODULES_ISO = at_keyboard biosdisk boot chain configfile iso9660 linux 
ls part_msdos reboot serial vga
+GRUB2_MODULES = biosdisk boot chain configfile ext2 linux ls part_msdos reboot 
serial vga
+GRUB2_MODULES_ISO = biosdisk boot chain configfile iso9660 linux ls part_msdos 
reboot serial vga

Russell Senior, President
openwrt-devel mailing list

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