Tue, 6 Nov 2012 10:22:39 +0300 от Илья Кучмин <ikuch...@gmail.com>:
> Хочу извиниться за сообщение на русском. Но для обсуждения данной
> проблемы моего английского к сожалению не хватит.
> Проблема наблюдается на платформе x86.
> ....

Iliya, unfortunatelly it is pretty hard to get an idea about your problem even 
as you write about it in Russian because currently your message reads like a 
bunch of non-related facts. From the subject line I could get an idea that you 
have some problems with PPtP VPN working properly but the details you provide 
are insufficient. 

It looks like you've got a TP-link box as a router between your ISP and x86 
box. Also it seems that what does tirgger your problem is a vlan config. Could 
you please bring provide mode details on the complete vlan config you use both 
for working and faulty case? Could you please make it more clear whether you 
have problems connecting from x86 box to some PPtP server out there in the 
internet or the problem is someone from the internet is unable to connect to 
the PPtP server you've got installed and configured on the x86 box? What's 
about TPlink box, is it a simple router without NAT or something else?

The more details you provide us - the more chances you would get some helpful 
advice here.

С уважением,
Алексей Лукьянов
System Engineer
*nix Specialist
openwrt-devel mailing list

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