ARM Linux PCI/PCIe hardware intialization needs to occur before device_init
as it does not support hotplug.  I have modeled the cns3xxx PCIe init after
other ARM platforms.  Registering it early resolves resource issues occuring
during bus enumeration that occur when a device driver is linked static in
the kernel.

Instead of passing in a bitmask to enable the 2 available ports, link detect
is used to enable ports that have a valid link.

Signed-off-by: Tim Harvey <>
 .../patches-3.3/480-cns3xxx_pcie_early_init.patch  |  156 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 

V2 of the patch changes the cns3xxx_pcie_init to a subsys_initcall. I modelled
this after several other ARM PCI/PCIe hardware init functions after realizing
that the ARM pci_common_init was supposed to be called before device_initcall
as it doesn't support hotplug.

diff --git a/target/linux/cns3xxx/patches-3.3/480-cns3xxx_pcie_early_init.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e991876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/cns3xxx/patches-3.3/480-cns3xxx_pcie_early_init.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+--- a/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/cns3420vb.c
++++ b/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/cns3420vb.c
+@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ static void __init cns3420_init(void)
+               NR_IRQS_CNS3XXX);
+       cns3xxx_gpio_init(32, 32, CNS3XXX_GPIOB_BASE_VIRT, IRQ_CNS3XXX_GPIOB,
+               NR_IRQS_CNS3XXX + 32);
+-      cns3xxx_pcie_init(0x3);
+       pm_power_off = cns3xxx_power_off;
+ }
+@@ -220,11 +219,21 @@ static struct map_desc cns3420_io_desc[]
+ static void __init cns3420_map_io(void)
+ {
+       cns3xxx_common_init();
++      cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init();
+       iotable_init(cns3420_io_desc, ARRAY_SIZE(cns3420_io_desc));
+       cns3420_early_serial_setup();
+ }
++static int __init laguna_pcie_init(void)
++      if (!machine_is_cns3420vb())
++              return 0;
++      return cns3xxx_pcie_init();
+ MACHINE_START(CNS3420VB, "Cavium Networks CNS3420 Validation Board")
+       .atag_offset    = 0x100,
+       .map_io         = cns3420_map_io,
+--- a/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/core.h
++++ b/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/core.h
+@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
+ #define __CNS3XXX_CORE_H
+ extern struct sys_timer cns3xxx_timer;
+-extern int cns3xxx_pcie_init(u8 bitmap);
+-extern void cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init(u8 bitmap);
++extern void cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init(void);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_CACHE_L2X0
+ void __init cns3xxx_l2x0_init(void);
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ static inline void cns3xxx_l2x0_init(voi
+ void __init cns3xxx_common_init(void);
+ void __init cns3xxx_init_irq(void);
++int  __init cns3xxx_pcie_init(void);
+ void cns3xxx_power_off(void);
+ void cns3xxx_restart(char, const char *);
+--- a/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/laguna.c
++++ b/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/laguna.c
+@@ -729,7 +731,7 @@ static struct map_desc laguna_io_desc[]
+ static void __init laguna_map_io(void)
+ {
+       cns3xxx_common_init();
+-      cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init(0x3);
++      cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init();
+       iotable_init(ARRAY_AND_SIZE(laguna_io_desc));
+       laguna_early_serial_setup();
+ }
+@@ -753,11 +755,19 @@ static int laguna_register_gpio(struct g
+       return ret;
+ }
++static int __init laguna_pcie_init(void)
++      if (!machine_is_gw2388())
++              return 0;
++      return cns3xxx_pcie_init();
+ static int __init laguna_model_setup(void)
+ {
+       u32 __iomem *mem;
+       u32 reg;
+-      u8 pcie_bitmap = 0;
+       printk("Running on Gateworks Laguna %s\n", laguna_info.model);
+       cns3xxx_gpio_init( 0, 32, CNS3XXX_GPIOA_BASE_VIRT, IRQ_CNS3XXX_GPIOA,
+@@ -779,14 +789,6 @@ static int __init laguna_model_setup(voi
+                   (laguna_info.config_bitmap & SATA1_LOAD))
+                       cns3xxx_ahci_init();
+-              if (laguna_info.config_bitmap & (PCIE0_LOAD))
+-                      pcie_bitmap |= 0x1;
+-              if (laguna_info.config_bitmap & (PCIE1_LOAD))
+-                      pcie_bitmap |= 0x2;
+-              cns3xxx_pcie_init(pcie_bitmap);
+               if (laguna_info.config_bitmap & (USB0_LOAD)) {
+                       cns3xxx_pwr_power_up(1 << 
+@@ -926,7 +928,6 @@ static int __init laguna_model_setup(voi
+       }
+       return 0;
+ }
+ late_initcall(laguna_model_setup);
+ MACHINE_START(GW2388, "Gateworks Corporation Laguna Platform")
+--- a/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/pcie.c
++++ b/arch/arm/mach-cns3xxx/pcie.c
+@@ -456,23 +456,18 @@ static int cns3xxx_pcie_abort_handler(un
+       return 0;
+ }
+-void __init cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init(u8 bitmap)
++void __init cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init()
+ {
+-      static int _iotable_init = 0;
+       int i;
+-      bitmap &= ~_iotable_init;
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cns3xxx_pcie); i++) {
+-              if (!(bitmap & (1 << i)))
+-                      continue;
+               iotable_init(cns3xxx_pcie[i].cfg_bases,
+                            ARRAY_SIZE(cns3xxx_pcie[i].cfg_bases));
+       }
+-      _iotable_init |= bitmap;
+ }
+-int __init cns3xxx_pcie_init(u8 bitmap)
++int __init cns3xxx_pcie_init(void)
+ {
+       int i;
+@@ -482,14 +477,12 @@ int __init cns3xxx_pcie_init(u8 bitmap)
+       hook_fault_code(16 + 6, cns3xxx_pcie_abort_handler, SIGBUS, 0,
+                       "imprecise external abort");
+-      cns3xxx_pcie_iotable_init(bitmap);
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cns3xxx_pcie); i++) {
+-              if (!(bitmap & (1 << i)))
+-                      continue;
+               cns3xxx_pcie_check_link(&cns3xxx_pcie[i]);
+-              cns3xxx_pcie_hw_init(&cns3xxx_pcie[i]);
+-              pci_common_init(&cns3xxx_pcie[i].hw_pci);
++              if (cns3xxx_pcie[i].linked) {
++                      cns3xxx_pcie_hw_init(&cns3xxx_pcie[i]);
++                      pci_common_init(&cns3xxx_pcie[i].hw_pci);
++              }
+       }
+       pci_assign_unassigned_resources();

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