The image that is not generated is for a device with 4Mb flash ? If
your build makes a larger image you will find only 8Mb images
generated but not the smaller ones.

I hope this help.

best regards

Saverio Proto

2012/10/25 Sivateja Patibandla <>:
> Hey guys,
> I've updated my openWRT trunk build environment to the latest release
> yesterday by "make dirclean and svn update". Now I configure and compile the
> kernel as before. But now the binary file for my Atheros based Ubiquiti
> device (openwrt-atheros-ubnt5-squashfs.bin) is not being generated. Although
> I've other files like openwrt-atheros-root.squashfs in bin directory being
> generated. Can you guys tell me if I'm missing something?
> Regards,
> Siva.
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