
while doing a sysupgrade the conffile was lost because:
- the path in the Makefile is incorrect
- the parametrized /conffiles  define doesn't seem to work for me

So I added a /conffiles define for every zabbix component and corrected
the path. I think the path changed while upgrading to 2.0.0.

I also had an issue with "hostname" and "uname" not being present on my
system, so I added selects onto these busybox-applets if the native
tool is not installed. Zabbix could also call lsusb and lspci, but I
think it's okay if these calls don't work on an embedded device.

Additionally I deleted an old conffile "files/zabbix_agentd.conf"
which is unused since changeset 32497 (level up zabbix to version 2.0.0)

Should I breakdown this patch into smaller parts?

Signed-off-by: Stefan Hellermann <ste...@the2masters.de>

Index: admin/zabbix/Makefile
--- admin/zabbix/Makefile       (Revision 33885)
+++ admin/zabbix/Makefile       (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@
   DEPENDS += +libsqlite3
+define Package/zabbix-agentd/config
+  select BUSYBOX_CONFIG_HOSTNAME if !PACKAGE_net-tools-hostname
+  select BUSYBOX_CONFIG_UNAME if !PACKAGE_coreutils-uname
        --enable-agent \
        --enable-server \
@@ -108,9 +113,18 @@
-define Package/zabbix-$(1)/conffiles
-  /etc/zabbix/zabbix_$(1).conf
+define Package/zabbix-agent/conffiles
+define Package/zabbix-agentd/conffiles
+define Package/zabbix-server/conffiles
+define Package/zabbix-proxy/conffiles
 define Package/zabbix-agent/install
        $(call Package/zabbix/install/sbin,$(1),agent)
Index: admin/zabbix/files/zabbix_agentd.conf
--- admin/zabbix/files/zabbix_agentd.conf       (Revision 33885)
+++ admin/zabbix/files/zabbix_agentd.conf       (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# This is config file for zabbix_agentd
-# To get more information about ZABBIX, go http://www.zabbix.com
-############ GENERAL PARAMETERS #################
-# List of comma delimited IP addresses (or hostnames) of ZABBIX servers. 
-# No spaces allowed. First entry is used for sending active checks.
-# Note that hostnames must resolve hostname->IP address and
-# IP address->hostname.
-# Server port for sending active checks
-# Unique hostname. Required for active checks.
-# Listen port. Default is 10050
-# IP address to bind agent
-# If missing, bind to all available IPs
-# Number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd.
-# Default value is 5
-# This parameter must be between 1 and 16
-# How often refresh list of active checks. 2 minutes by default.
-# Disable active checks. The agent will work in passive mode listening server.
-# Enable remote commands for ZABBIX agent. By default remote commands disabled.
-# Specifies debug level
-# 0 - debug is not created
-# 1 - critical information
-# 2 - error information
-# 3 - warnings
-# 4 - information (default)
-# 5 - for debugging (produces lots of information)
-# Name of PID file
-# Name of log file.
-# If not set, syslog will be used
-# Spend no more than Timeout seconds on processing
-# Must be between 1 and 30
-# Format: UserParameter=<key>,<shell command>
-# Note that shell command must not return empty string or EOL only
-#UserParameter=system.test,who|wc -l
-### Set of parameter for monitoring MySQL server (v3.23.42 and later)
-### Change -u<username> and add -p<password> if required
-#UserParameter=mysql.ping,mysqladmin -uroot ping|grep alive|wc -l
-#UserParameter=mysql.uptime,mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f2 -d":"|cut -f1 
-#UserParameter=mysql.threads,mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f3 -d":"|cut -f1 
-#UserParameter=mysql.questions,mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f4 -d":"|cut -f1 
-#UserParameter=mysql.slowqueries,mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f5 -d":"|cut 
-f1 -d"O"
-#UserParameter=mysql.qps,mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f9 -d":"
-#UserParameter=mysql.version,mysql -V
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