Hash: SHA256

I've packaged the reSIProcate SIP stack (shared library), repro proxy
and reTurn, the ICE/STUN/TURN server.  Please find the Makefile and
related artifacts attached

Benefits to OpenWRT:

This provides a comprehensive platform for true federated VoIP from
OpenWRT, thanks to the following:
- - repro has a built-in web interface and no database dependency, so it
highly suitable for a router
- - repro provides strong mutual TLS authentication
- - reTurn provides robust and efficient NAT traversal for RTP streams


This depends on my previous patches today, for building the C++
support for db47, and also adding libasio package


I've tested the binaries on a TP-Link TL-WR1043ND with 32MB RAM and
8MB flash.  This seems to be the bare minimum amount of flash for the
combination of reSIProcate + openssl + libdb + other dependencies

More info on reSIProcate:


and a quick start HowTo guide for federated VoIP with reSIProcte:

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

diff -uNr a/package/resiprocate/files/repro.config b/package/resiprocate/files/repro.config
--- a/package/resiprocate/files/repro.config	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/package/resiprocate/files/repro.config	2012-09-21 22:35:00.329305721 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+# repro configuration file
+# Log settings
+# Logging Type: syslog|cerr|cout|file
+# Note:  Logging to cout can negatively effect performance.
+#        When repro is placed into production 'file' or 
+#        'syslog' should be used.
+LoggingType = syslog
+LogLevel = INFO
+# Log Filename
+LogFilename = repro.log
+# Log file Max Bytes
+LogFileMaxBytes = 5242880
+# Transport settings
+# Local IP Address to bind SIP transports to. If left blank
+# repro will bind to all adapters.
+#IPAddress =
+#IPAddress = 2001:5c0:1000:a::6d
+IPAddress =
+# Local port to listen on for SIP messages over UDP - 0 to disable
+UDPPort = 5060
+# Local port to listen on for SIP messages over TCP - 0 to disable
+TCPPort = 5060
+# Local port to listen on for SIP messages over TLS - 0 to disable
+#TLSPort = 5061
+TLSPort = 0
+# Local port to listen on for SIP messages over DTLS - 0 to disable
+DTLSPort = 0
+# TLS domain name for this server (note: domain cert for this domain must be present)
+TLSDomainName =
+# Whether or not we ask for (Optional) or expect (Mandatory) TLS
+# clients to present a client certificate
+# Possible values:
+#  None: client can connect without any cert, if a cert is sent, it is not checked
+#  Optional: client can connect without any cert, if a cert is sent, it must be acceptable to us
+#  Mandatory: client can not connect without any cert, cert must be acceptable to us
+# How we decide if a cert is acceptable: it must meet two criteria:
+# 1. it must be signed by a CA that we trust (see CADirectory)
+# 2. the domain or full sip: URI in the cert must match the From: URI of all
+#    SIP messages coming from the peer
+TLSClientVerification = None
+# Whether we accept the subjectAltName email address as if it was a SIP
+# address (when checking the validity of a client certificate)
+# Very few commercial CAs offer support for SIP addresses in subjectAltName
+# For many purposes, an email address subjectAltName may be considered
+# equivalent within a specific domain.
+# Currently, this accepts such certs globally (for any incoming connection),
+# not just for connections from the local users.
+TLSUseEmailAsSIP = false
+# Alternate and more flexible method to specify transports to bind to.  If specified here
+# then IPAddress, and port settings above are ignored.
+# Transports MUST be numbered in sequential order, starting from 1.  Possible settings are:
+# Transport<Num>Interface = <IPAddress>:<Port>
+# Transport<Num>Type = <'TCP'|'UDP'|'TLS'|'DTLS'> - default is UDP if missing
+# Transport<Num>TlsDomain = <TLSDomain> - only required if transport is TLS or DTLS
+# Transport<Num>TlsClientVerification = <'None'|'Optional'|'Mandatory'> - default is None
+# Transport<Num>RecordRouteUri = <'auto'|URI> - if set to auto then record route URI
+#                                               is automatically generated from the other
+#                                               transport settings.  Otherwise explicity
+#                                               enter the full URI you want repro to use.
+#                                               Do not specify 'auto' if you specified
+#                                               the IPAddress as INADDR_ANY (
+#                                               If nothing is specified then repro will
+#                                               use the global RecordRouteUri setting.
+# Transport<Num>RcvBufLen = <SocketReceiveBufferSize> - currently only applies to UDP transports,
+#                                                       leave empty to use OS default
+# Example:
+# Transport1Interface =
+# Transport1Type = TCP
+# Transport1RecordRouteUri = auto
+# Transport2Interface =
+# Transport2Type = UDP
+# Transport2RecordRouteUri = auto
+# Transport2RcvBufLen = 10000
+# Transport3Interface =
+# Transport3Type = TLS
+# Transport3TlsDomain = sipdomain.com
+# Transport3TlsClientVerification = Mandatory
+# Transport3RecordRouteUri = sip:h1.sipdomain.com;transport=TLS
+# Comma separated list of DNS servers, overrides default OS detected list (leave blank 
+# for default)
+DNSServers =
+# Enable IPv6
+EnableIPv6 = false
+# Enable IPv4
+DisableIPv4 = false
+# Port on which to run the HTTP configuration interface and/or certificate server 
+# 0 to disable (default: 5080)
+HttpPort = 5080
+# disable HTTP challenges for web based configuration GUI
+DisableHttpAuth = false
+# Web administrator password
+HttpAdminPassword = admin
+# Port on which to listen for and send XML RPC messaging used in command processing 
+# 0 to disable (default: 5081)
+CommandPort = 5081
+# Port on which to listen for and send XML RPC messaging used in registration sync 
+# process - 0 to disable (default: 0)
+RegSyncPort = 0
+# Hostname/ip address of another instance of repro to synchronize registrations with 
+# (note xmlrpcport must also be specified)
+RegSyncPeer =
+# Misc settings
+# Must be true or false, default = false, not supported on Windows
+Daemonize = true
+# On UNIX it is normal to create a PID file
+# if unspecified, no attempt will be made to create a PID file
+PidFile = /var/run/repro/repro.pid
+# Path to load certificates from (default:  "$(HOME)/.sipCerts on *nix, and c:\sipCerts 
+# on windows)
+# Note that repro loads ALL root certificates found by the settings
+# CertificatePath, CADirectory and CAFile.  Setting one option does
+# not disable the other options.
+# Certificates in this location have to match one of the filename
+# patterns expected by the legacy reSIProcate SSL code:
+#   domain_cert_NAME.pem, root_cert_NAME.pem, ...
+CertificatePath = /etc/repro/ssl
+# Path to load root certificates from
+# Iff this directory is specified, all files in the directory
+# will be loaded as root certificates, prefixes and suffixes are
+# not considered
+# Note that repro loads ALL root certificates found by the settings
+# CertificatePath, CADirectory and CAFile.  Setting one option does
+# not disable the other options.
+# On Debian, the typical location is /etc/ssl/certs
+CADirectory = /etc/ssl/certs
+# Specify a single file containing one or more root certificates
+# and possible chain/intermediate certificates to be loaded
+# Iff this filename is specified, the certificates in the file will
+# be loaded as root certificates
+# This does NOT currently support bundles of unrelated root certificates
+# stored in the same PEM file, it ONLY supports related/chained root
+# certificates.  If multiple roots must be supported, use the CADirectory
+# option.
+# In the future, this behavior may change to load a bundle,
+# such as /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.txt on Debian and
+# /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem on Red Hat/CentOS
+# Note that repro loads ALL root certificates found by the settings
+# CertificatePath, CADirectory and CAFile.  Setting one option does
+# not disable the other options.
+# This example loads just the CACert.org chain, which typically
+# includes the class 1 root and the class 3 root (signed by the class 1 root)
+#CAFile = /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.org.pem
+# The Path to read and write Berkely DB database files
+DatabasePath = /etc/repro/home
+# The hostname running MySQL server to connect to, leave blank to use BerkelyDB
+# The value of host may be either a host name or an IP address. If host is "localhost",
+# a connection to the local host is assumed. For Windows, the client connects using a
+# shared-memory connection, if the server has shared-memory connections enabled. Otherwise,
+# TCP/IP is used. For Unix, the client connects using a Unix socket file. For a host value of
+# "." on Windows, the client connects using a named pipe, if the server has named-pipe
+# connections enabled. If named-pipe connections are not enabled, an error occurs.
+# WARNING: repro must be compiled with the USE_MYSQL flag in order for this work.
+MySQLServer =
+# The MySQL login ID to use when connecting to the MySQL Server. If user is empty string "",
+# the current user is assumed. Under Unix, this is the current login name. Under Windows,
+# the current user name must be specified explicitly.
+MySQLUser = root
+# The password for the MySQL login ID specified.
+MySQLPassword = root
+# The database name on the MySQL server that contains the repro tables
+MySQLDatabaseName = repro
+# If port is not 0, the value is used as the port number for the TCP/IP connection. Note that
+# the host parameter determines the type of the connection.
+MySQLPort = 3306
+# The Users and MessageSilo database tables are different from the other repro configuration
+# database tables, in that they are accessed at runtime as SIP requests arrive.  It may be
+# desirable to use BerkeleyDb for the other repro tables (which are read at starup time, then
+# cached in memory), and MySQL for the runtime accessed tables; or two seperate MySQL instances
+# for these different table sets.  Use the following settings in order to specify a seperate
+# MySQL instance for use by the Users and MessageSilo tables.
+# WARNING: repro must be compiled with the USE_MYSQL flag in order for this work.
+# Note:  If this setting is left blank then repro will fallback all remaining my sql
+# settings to use the global MySQLServer settings.  If the MySQLServer setting is also
+# blank, then repro will use BerkelyDB for all configuration tables.  See the
+# documentation on the global MySQLServer settings for more details on the following
+# individual settings.
+RuntimeMySQLServer =
+RuntimeMySQLUser = root
+RuntimeMySQLPassword = root
+RuntimeMySQLDatabaseName = repro
+RuntimeMySQLPort = 3306
+# If you would like to be able to authenticate uses from a MySQL source other than the repro user
+# database table itself, then specify the query here.  The following conditions apply:
+# 1.  The database table must reside on the same MySQL server instance as the repro database
+#     or Runtime tables database.
+# 2.  The statement provided will be UNION'd with the hardcoded repro query, so that auth from
+#     both sources is possible.  Note:  If the same user exists in both tables, then the repro
+#     auth info will be used.
+# 3.  The provided SELECT statement must return the SIP A1 password hash of the user in question.
+# 4.  The provided SELECT statement must contain two tags embedded into the query: $user and $domain
+#     These tags should be used in the WHERE clause, and repro will replace these tags with the
+#     actual user and domain being queried.
+# Example:  SELECT sip_password_ha1 FROM directory.users WHERE sip_userid = '$user' AND 
+#           sip_domain = '$domain' AND account_status = 'active'
+MySQLCustomUserAuthQuery =
+# Run a Certificate Server - Allows PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE for certificates
+EnableCertServer = false
+# Value of server header for local UAS responses
+ServerText =
+# Enables Congestion Management
+CongestionManagement = true
+# Congestion Management Metric - can take one of the following values:
+# SIZE : Based solely on the number of messages in each fifo
+# TIME_DEPTH : Based on the age of the oldest (front-most) message 
+#              in each fifo.
+# WAIT_TIME : Based on the expected wait time for each fifo; this is 
+#             calculated by multiplying the size by the average service time. 
+#             This is the recommended metric.
+CongestionManagementMetric = WAIT_TIME
+# Congestion Management Tolerance for the given metric.  This determines when the RejectionBehavior 
+# changes.
+# 0-80 percent of max tolerance -> NORMAL (Not rejecting any work.)
+# 80-100 percent of max tolerance -> REJECTING_NEW_WORK (Refuses new work, 
+#        not continuation of old work.)
+# >100 percent of max tolerance -> REJECTING_NON_ESSENTIAL (Rejecting all work 
+#      that is non-essential to the health of the system (ie, if dropping 
+#      something is liable to cause a leak, instability, or state-bloat, don't drop it. 
+#      Otherwise, reject it.)
+# Units specified are dependent on Metric specified above:
+#  If Metric is SIZE then units are number of messages
+#  If Metric is TIME_DEPTH then units are the number seconds old the oldest message is
+#  If Metric is WAIT_TIME then units are the expected wait time of each fifo in milliseconds
+CongestionManagementTolerance = 200
+# Specify the number of seconds between writes of the stack statistics block to the log files.
+# Specifying 0 will disable the statistics collection entirely.  If disabled the statistics
+# also cannot be retreived using the reprocmd interface.
+StatisticsLogInterval = 3600
+# Use MultipleThreads stack processing.
+ThreadedStack = true
+# The number of worker threads used to asynchronously retrieve user authentication information
+# from the database store.
+NumAuthGrabberWorkerThreads = 2
+# The number of worker threads in Async Processor tread pool.  Used by all Async Processors
+# (ie. RequestFilter)
+NumAsyncProcessorWorkerThreads = 2
+# Specify domains for which this proxy is authorative (in addition to those specified on web
+# interface) - comma separate list
+# Notes: * Domains specified here cannot be used when creating users, domains used in user
+#          AORs must be specified on the web interface.
+#        * In previous versions of repro, localhost,, the machine's hostname,
+#          and all interface addresses would automatically be appended to this
+#          configuration parameter.  From now on, such values must be listed
+#          here explicitly if required, e.g.
+#             Domains = localhost,, sip-server.example.org,
+#          although when using TLS only, it is not desirable or necessary to
+#          add such values.
+Domains =
+# Uri to use as Record-Route
+RecordRouteUri =
+# Force record-routing
+# WARNING: Before enabling this, ensure you have a RecordRouteUri setup, or are using
+# the alternate transport specification mechanism and defining a RecordRouteUri per
+# transport: TransportXRecordRouteUri
+ForceRecordRouting = false
+# Assume path option
+AssumePath = false
+# Disable registrar
+DisableRegistrar = false
+# Specify a comma separate list of enum suffixes to search for enum dns resolution
+EnumSuffixes =
+# Specify the target domain(s) for ENUM logic support.  When a dialed SIP URI
+# is addressed to +number@somedomain,
+# where somedomain is an element of EnumDomains,
+# the ENUM logic will be applied for the number
+# If empty, ENUM is never used
+EnumDomains =
+# Specify length of timer C in sec (0 or negative will disable timer C) - default 180
+TimerC = 180
+# Override the default value of T1 in ms (you probably should not change this) - leave 
+# as 0 to use default of 500ms)
+TimerT1 = 0
+# Disable outbound support (RFC5626)
+# WARNING: Before enabling this, ensure you have a RecordRouteUri setup, or are using
+# the alternate transport specification mechanism and defining a RecordRouteUri per
+# transport: TransportXRecordRouteUri
+DisableOutbound = true
+# Set the draft version of outbound to support (default: RFC5626)
+# Other accepted values are the versions of the IETF drafts, before RFC5626 was issued
+# (ie. 5, 8, etc.)
+OutboundVersion = 5626
+# There are cases where the first hop in a particular network supports the concept of outbound
+# and ensures all messaging for a client is delivered over the same connection used for
+# registration.  This could be a SBC or other NAT traversal aid router that uses the Path
+# header.  However such endpoints may not be 100% compliant with outbound RFC and may not
+# include a ;ob parameter in the path header.  This parameter is required in order for repro
+# to have knowledge that the first hop does support outbound, and it will reject registrations
+# that appear to be using outboud (ie. instanceId and regId) with a 439 (First Hop Lacks Outbound
+# Support).  In this case it can be desirable when using repro as the registrar to not reject
+# REGISTRATION requests that contain an instanceId and regId with a 439.
+# If this setting is enabled, then repro will assume the first hop supports outbound
+# and not return this error.
+AssumeFirstHopSupportsOutbound = false
+# Enable use of flow-tokens in non-outbound cases
+# WARNING: Before enabling this, ensure you have a RecordRouteUri setup, or are using
+# the alternate transport specification mechanism and defining a RecordRouteUri per
+# transport: TransportXRecordRouteUri
+EnableFlowTokens = false
+# Enable use of flow-tokens in non-outbound cases for clients detected to be behind a NAT.  
+# This a more selective flow token hack mode for clients not supporting RFC5626.  The 
+# original flow token hack (EnableFlowTokens) will use flow tokens on all client requests.  
+# Possible values are:  DISABLED, ENABLED and PRIVATE_TO_PUBLIC.
+# WARNING: Before enabling this, ensure you have a RecordRouteUri setup, or are using
+# the alternate transport specification mechanism and defining a RecordRouteUri per
+# transport: TransportXRecordRouteUri
+ClientNatDetectionMode = DISABLED
+# Set to greater than 0 to enable addition of Flow-Timer header to REGISTER responses if 
+# outbound is enabled (default: 0)
+FlowTimer = 0
+# CertificateAuthenticator Monkey Settings
+# Enables certificate authenticator - note you MUST use a TlsTransport
+# with TlsClientVerification set to Optional or Mandatory.
+# There are two levels of checking:
+# a) cert must be signed by a CA trusted by the stack
+# b) the CN or one of the subjectAltName values must match the From:
+#    header of each SIP message on the TlsConnection
+# Examples:
+# Cert 1:
+#    common name = dan...@pocock.com.au
+#    => From: <dan...@pocock.com.au> is the only value that will pass
+# Cert 2:
+#    subjectAltName = pocock.com.au
+#    => From: <<anything>@pocock.com.au> will be accepted
+# Typically, case 1 is for a real client connection (e.g. Jitsi), case 2
+# (whole domain) is for federated SIP proxy-to-proxy communication (RFC 5922)
+EnableCertificateAuthenticator = false
+# A static text file that contains mappings of X.509 Common Names to
+# permitted SIP `From:' addresses
+# Without this file, the default behavior of the CertificateAuthenticator
+# ensures that the `From:' address in SIP messages must match the
+# Common Name or one of the subjectAltNames from the X.509 certificate
+# When this file is supplied, the CertificateAuthenticator will continue
+# to allow SIP messages where there is an exact match between the
+# certificate and the `From:' address, but it will also allow
+# the holder of a particular certificate to use any of the `mapped'
+# `From:' addresses specified in the mappings file
+# File format:
+# common name<TAB><mapping>,<mapping>,...
+#    where:
+#        <TAB> is exactly one tab
+#        <mapping> is `user@domain' or just `domain'
+CommonNameMappings = /etc/repro/tlsUserMappings.txt
+# DigestAuthenticator Monkey Settings
+# Disable DIGEST challenges - disables this monkey
+DisableAuth = false
+# Http hostname for this server (used in Identity headers)
+HttpHostname =
+# Disable adding identity headers
+DisableIdentity = false
+# Enable addition and processing of P-Asserted-Identity headers
+EnablePAssertedIdentityProcessing = false
+# Disable auth-int DIGEST challenges
+DisableAuthInt = false
+# Send 403 if a client sends a bad nonce in their credentials (will send a new 
+# challenge otherwise)
+RejectBadNonces = false
+# allow To tag in registrations
+AllowBadReg = false
+# RequestFilter Monkey Settings
+# Disable RequestFilter monkey processing
+DisableRequestFilterProcessor = false
+# Default behavior for when no matching filter is found.  Leave empty to allow 
+# request processing to continue.  Otherwise set to a SIP status error code
+# (400-699) that should be used to reject the request (ie. 500, Server Internal
+# Error).
+# The status code can optionally be followed by a , and SIP reason text.
+RequestFilterDefaultNoMatchBehavior =
+# Default behavior for SQL Query db errors.  Leave empty to allow request processing
+# to continue.  Otherwise set to a SIP status error code (400-699) that should be  
+# used to reject the request (ie. 500 - Server Internal Error).
+# The status code can optionally be followed by a , and SIP reason text.
+# Note: DB support for this action requires MySQL support.
+RequestFilterDefaultDBErrorBehavior = 500, Server Internal DB Error
+# The hostname running MySQL server to connect to for any blocked entries
+# that are configured to used a SQL statement.
+# WARNING: repro must be compiled with the USE_MYSQL flag in order for this work.
+# Note:  If this setting is left blank then repro will fallback all remaining my sql
+# settings to use the global RuntimeMySQLServer or MySQLServer settings.  See the
+# documentation on the global MySQLServer settings for more details on the following
+# individual settings.
+RequestFilterMySQLServer =
+# The MySQL login ID to use when connecting to the MySQL Server. 
+# Note:  If the RequestFilterMySQLServer setting is left blank then repro will fallback to 
+# using the global MySQL settings.
+RequestFilterMySQLUser = root
+# The password for the MySQL login ID specified.
+# Note:  If the RequestFilterMySQLServer setting is left blank then repro will fallback to 
+# using the global MySQL settings.
+RequestFilterMySQLPassword = root
+# The database name on the MySQL server that contains the repro tables
+# Note:  If the RequestFilterMySQLServer setting is left blank then repro will fallback to 
+# using the global MySQL settings.
+RequestFilterMySQLDatabaseName = 
+# If port is not 0, the value is used as the port number for the TCP/IP connection. Note that
+# the host parameter determines the type of the connection.
+# Note:  If the RequestFilterMySQLServer setting is left blank then repro will fallback to 
+# using the global MySQL settings.
+RequestFilterMySQLPort = 3306
+# StaticRoute Monkey Settings
+# Specify where to route requests that are in this proxy's domain - disables the 
+# routes in the web interface and uses a SimpleStaticRoute monkey instead.
+# A comma seperated list of routes can be specified here and each route will
+# be added to the outbound Requests with the RequestUri left in tact.
+Routes =
+# Parallel fork to all matching static routes
+ParallelForkStaticRoutes = false
+# By default (false) we will stop looking for more Targets if we have found
+# matching routes.  Setting this value to true will allow the LocationServer Monkey
+# to run after StaticRoutes have been found.  In this case the matching
+# StaticRoutes become fallback targets, processed only after all location server 
+# targets fail.
+ContinueProcessingAfterRoutesFound = false
+# Message Silo Monkey Settings
+# Specify where the Message Silo is enabled or not.  If enabled,
+# then repro will store MESSAGE requests for users that are not online.
+# When the user is back online (ie. registers with repro), the stored 
+# messages will be delivered.
+MessageSiloEnabled = false
+# A regular expression that can be used to filter which URI's not to
+# do message storage (siloing) for.  Destination/To URI's matching
+# this regular expression will not be silo'd.
+MessageSiloDestFilterRegex =
+# A regular expression that can be used to filter which body/content/mime
+# types not to do message storage (siloing) for.  Content-Type's matching
+# this regular expression will not be silo'd.
+MessageSiloMimeTypeFilterRegex = application\/im\-iscomposing\+xml
+# The number of seconds a message request will be stored in the message silo.
+# Messages older than this time, are candidates for deletion.  
+# Default (259200 seconds = 30 days)
+MessageSiloExpirationTime = 2592000
+# Flag to indicate if a Date header should be added to replayed SIP 
+# MESSAGEs from the silo, when a user registers.
+MessageSiloAddDateHeader = true
+# Defines the maximum message content length (bytes) that will be stored in
+# the message silo.  Messages with a Content-Length larger than this 
+# value will be discarded.
+# WARNING:  Do not increasing this value beyond the capabilities of the
+# database storage or internal buffers.
+# Note: AbstractDb uses a read buffer size of 8192 - do not exceed this size.
+MessageSiloMaxContentLength = 4096
+# The status code returned to the sender when a messages is successfully
+# silo'd.
+MessageSiloSuccessStatusCode = 202
+# The status code returned to the sender when a messages mime-type matches
+# the MessageSiloMimeTypeFilterRegex.  Can be used to avoid sending errors
+# to isComposing mime bodies that don't need to be silod.  Set to 0 to use
+# repro standard response (ie. 480).
+MessageSiloFilteredMimeTypeStatusCode = 200
+# The status code returned to the sender when a messages is not silo'd due
+# to the MaxContentLength being exceeded.
+MessageSiloFailureStatusCode = 480
+# Recursive Redirect Lemur Settings
+# Handle 3xx responses in the proxy - enables the Recursive Redirect Lemur
+RecursiveRedirect = false
+# Geo Proximity Target Sorter Baboon Settings
+# If enabled, then this baboon can post-process the target list.  
+# This includes targets from the StaticRoute monkey and/or targets
+# from the LocationServer monkey.  Requests that meet the filter 
+# criteria will have their Target list, flatened (serialized) and
+# ordered based on the proximity of the target to the client sending
+# the request.  Proximity is determined by looking for a 
+# x-repro-geolocation="<latitude>,<longitude>" parameter on the Contact
+# header of a received request, or the Contact headers of Registration
+# requests.  If this parameter is not found, then this processor will
+# attempt to determine the public IP address closest to the client or
+# target and use the MaxMind Geo IP library to lookup the geo location.
+GeoProximityTargetSorting = false
+# Specify the full path to the IPv4 Geo City database file
+# Note:  A free version of the database can be downloaded from here:
+# http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
+# For a more accurate database, please see the details here:
+# http://www.maxmind.com/app/city
+GeoProximityIPv4CityDatabaseFile = GeoLiteCity.dat
+# Specify the full path to the IPv6 Geo City database file
+# Note:  A free version of the database can be downloaded from here:
+# http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCityv6-beta/
+# For a more accurate database, please see the details here:
+# http://www.maxmind.com/app/city
+# Leave blank to disable V6 lookups.  Saves memory (if not required).
+#GeoProximityIPv6CityDatabaseFile = GeoLiteCityv6.dat
+GeoProximityIPv6CityDatabaseFile =
+# This setting specifies a PCRE compliant regular expression to attempt
+# to match against the request URI of inbound requests.  Any requests
+# matching this expression, will have its Targets sorted as described
+# above.  Leave blank to match all requests.
+GeoProximityRequestUriFilter = ^sip:mediaserver.*@mydomain.com$
+# The distance (in Kilometers) to use for proximity sorting, when the 
+# Geo Location of a target cannot be determined. 
+GeoProximityDefaultDistance = 0
+# If enabled, then targets that are determined to be of equal distance
+# from the client, will be placed in a random order.
+LoadBalanceEqualDistantTargets = true
+# Q-Value Target Handler Baboon Settings
+# Enable sequential q-value processing - enables the Baboon
+QValue = true
+# Specify forking behavior for q-value targets: FULL_SEQUENTIAL, EQUAL_Q_PARALLEL, 
+QValueBehavior = EQUAL_Q_PARALLEL
+# Whether to cancel groups of parallel forks after the period specified by the 
+# QValueMsBeforeCancel parameter.
+QValueCancelBetweenForkGroups = true
+# msec to wait before cancelling parallel fork groups when QValueCancelBetweenForkGroups
+# is true
+QValueMsBeforeCancel = 30000
+# Whether to wait for parallel fork groups to terminate before starting new fork-groups.
+QValueWaitForTerminateBetweenForkGroups = true
+# msec to wait before starting new groups of parallel forks when 
+# QValueWaitForTerminateBetweenForkGroups is false
+QValueMsBetweenForkGroups = 3000
diff -uNr a/package/resiprocate/files/repro.init b/package/resiprocate/files/repro.init
--- a/package/resiprocate/files/repro.init	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/package/resiprocate/files/repro.init	2012-09-21 22:34:45.921917541 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au>
+start() {
+	group_exists repro 123 || group_add repro 123
+        user_exists repro 123 || user_add repro 123 123 repro /etc/repro/home
+        mkdir -p /etc/repro/home
+        chown -R repro:repro /etc/repro/home
+        service_start /usr/sbin/repro --Daemonize=true --LoggingType=syslog --PidFile=/var/run/repro.pid
+stop() {
+	service_stop /usr/sbin/repro
diff -uNr a/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.config b/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.config
--- a/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.config	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.config	2012-09-21 20:30:01.181011516 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+TurnPort = 3478
+TlsTurnPort = 5349
+AltStunPort = 0
+TurnAddress =
+AltStunAddress =
+AuthenticationMode = 2
+AuthenticationRealm = reTurn
+NonceLifetime = 3600
+AllocationPortRangeMin = 49152
+AllocationPortRangeMax = 65535
+DefaultAllocationLifetime = 600
+MaxAllocationLifetime = 3600
+MaxAllocationsPerUser = 0
+TlsServerCertificateFilename = server.pem
+TlsTempDhFilename = dh512.pem
+# leave blank if key is not encrypted
+#TlsPrivateKeyPassword = 
+# Logging Type: syslog|cerr|cout|file
+LoggingType = syslog
+LoggingLevel = INFO
+LogFilename = reTurnServer.log
+LogFileMaxLines = 50000
+# It is highly recommended that these values are NOT left at their
+# default setting
+LongTermAuthUsername = test
+LongTermAuthPassword = 1234
+# Must be true or false, default = false, not supported on Windows
+Daemonize = true
+# On UNIX it is normal to create a PID file
+# if unspecified, no attempt will be made to create a PID file
+#PidFile = /var/run/reTurnServer/reTurnServer.pid
diff -uNr a/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.init b/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.init
--- a/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.init	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/package/resiprocate/files/reTurnServer.init	2012-09-21 20:34:41.573152382 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au>
+start() {
+	group_exists return 123 || group_add return 123
+        user_exists return 123 || user_add return 123 123 return /var/lib/return
+        mkdir -p /var/lib/return
+        chown -R return:return /var/lib/return
+        service_start /usr/sbin/reTurnServer --Daemonize=true --LoggingType=syslog --PidFile=/var/run/reTurnServer.pid
+stop() {
+	service_stop /usr/sbin/reTurnServer
diff -uNr a/package/resiprocate/Makefile package/resiprocate/Makefile
--- a/package/resiprocate/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ package/resiprocate/Makefile	2012-09-21 22:36:31.937415703 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 OpenWrt.org
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au>
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+TARGET_LDFLAGS += -lcrypto
+define Package/resiprocate/Default
+  SECTION:=net
+  CATEGORY:=Network
+  SUBMENU:=Telephony
+  TITLE:=reSIProcate
+  URL:=http://www.resiprocate.org/
+  DEPENDS:=+libopenssl +libdb47 +libcares +boost +libstdcpp
+define Package/libresiprocate
+$(call Package/resiprocate/Default)
+  SECTION:=libs
+  CATEGORY:=Libraries
+  TITLE+= libraries
+define Package/repro
+$(call Package/resiprocate/Default)
+  TITLE+= repro SIP proxy
+  DEPENDS+= +libresiprocate
+define Package/resiprocate-turn-server
+$(call Package/resiprocate/Default)
+  TITLE+= repro TURN server (reTurn)
+  DEPENDS+= +libresiprocate
+define Package/resiprocate/description
+ SIP stack, proxy, ICE/STUN/TURN implementation
+define Package/repro/conffiles
+define Package/resiprocate-turn-server/conffiles
+define Build/Configure
+	$(call Build/Configure/Default, --enable-shared --disable-static --with-ssl --with-c-ares )
+define Build/Compile
+        $(MAKE) $(PKG_JOBS) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
+define Package/libresiprocate/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
+	$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/librutil*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/
+	$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libresip*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/
+	$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libdum*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/
+define Package/repro/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repro/repro $(1)/usr/sbin/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
+	$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/librepro*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/repro/ssl
+	$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/repro.config $(1)/etc/repro/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/repro.init $(1)/etc/init.d/repro
+define Package/resiprocate-turn-server/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/reTurn/reTurnServer $(1)/usr/sbin/
+	$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/reTurnServer.config $(1)/etc/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/reTurnServer.init $(1)/etc/init.d/reTurnServer
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,libresiprocate))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,repro))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,resiprocate-turn-server))
diff -uNr a/package/resiprocate/patches/001-csignal.patch package/resiprocate/patches/001-csignal.patch
--- a/package/resiprocate/patches/001-csignal.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ package/resiprocate/patches/001-csignal.patch	2012-09-21 20:22:00.581331543 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+--- a/reTurn/reTurnServer.cxx	2012-08-08 14:48:07.000000000 +0200
++++ b/reTurn/reTurnServer.cxx	2012-09-21 20:20:26.441310748 +0200
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ #include <iostream>
++#include <csignal>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <asio.hpp>
+ #include <boost/bind.hpp>

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