I did go way back in trunk to try to find a working version and ended up back on and it crashed there too. So I assume it's in older versions too.

On 8/10/12 3:35 PM, Michael Markstaller wrote:
On 09.08.2012 02:38, Adam Gensler wrote:
The following patch corrects a hard reset that occurs on alix and
soekris net5501 hardware. Specifically, this is an issue with the via
rhine NIC driver. Under periods of extreme load, the via rhine driver
can cause a reset of the entire system. When this happens no output is
seen on the console, the device simply reboots. This was reported in the
following ticket:

Consistent crash on Soekris NET5501

Sorry for a little OT: Does this -from your experience- also affect
older Kernels outside OpenWRT with the via-rhine like 2.6.32/2.6.38 ?


P.S.: Thanks, after reading this, I got a really big déjà vu!

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