Hello, my name is Pedro, and I'm writing from Portugal.
I would like to ask some questions about batman-adv in openwrt backfire
I already wrote to http://www.open-mesh.org/wiki/open-mesh/MailingList
(the mailing list of batman-adv routing protocol) but the developers
of the batman-adv said to me, after some chat and replies, that this
issue could be solved asking in the openwrt forum, because they didn't
know how to solve the problem.
The problem happens when i build the openwrt image to use in my
routers (i'm trying to build a batman-adv mesh network), the
definitions of batman-adv protocol don't start when the routers boot,
as i wish.
In /etc/config/ there are some configuration files, like dhcp,
network, wireless, etc... and the file that i'm talking about is the
"batman-adv" file configuration.
In that "batman-adv" file we can define if this specific router is a
gateway server or client... if the visualization mode is server or
client... etc...
After my definitions are saved and after rebooting the routers, the
definitions don't start as i defined, but starts as defined by
It is necessary to do "batman-adv restart" to the changes take place...
All i want is the definitions start on boot and permanently...
Why after saving the parameters and rebooting the router, the
batman-adv changes don't take effect?
This is the batman-adv configuration example for 1 of the routers:
config 'mesh' 'bat0'
option 'interfaces' 'wifi'
option 'aggregated_ogms' '1'
option 'ap_isolation' '0'
option 'bonding' '0'
option 'fragmentation' '1'
option 'gw_bandwidth' '5mbit/1024kbit'
option 'gw_mode' 'server'
#option 'gw_sel_class'
option 'log_level' 'all'
option 'orig_interval' '1000'
option 'vis_mode' 'server'
When the router boots the definitions don't take effect, but after
doing "batman-adv", everything works fine.
I know the issue "batman-adv" is not a issue to be discussed here, but
i was thinking if the problem could be solved by changing something in
the build process... (?)
Thank you very much.
I'm a portuguese student in telecomunications eletrotecnical
engineering, in ISEP school-Oporto.
This about my final work for my master thesis.
I need some help.
Best regards.
Pedro Rodrigues
openwrt-devel mailing list