The original linuxigd has pretty much been unchanged for about 4 years.

Some folks at France Telecom did a rewrite to support the IGDv2 schemas which 
includes better IPv6 support, and means to avoid clashing when dynamically 
allocating an unused external port.

Signed-off-by: Philip Prindeville <>
Index: trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/files/upnpd.init
--- trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/files/upnpd.init (revision 0)
+++ trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/files/upnpd.init (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2011
+# Copyright (C) 2006 loswillios
+include /lib/network
+start() {
+       scan_interfaces
+       config_get wan_if 'wan' 'ifname'
+       config_get lan_if 'lan' 'ifname'
+       [ -n "$wan_if" ] || return 1
+       [ -n "$lan_if" ] && route add -net netmask $lan_if
+       service_start /usr/sbin/upnpd $wan_if $lan_if
+stop() {
+       scan_interfaces
+       config_get lan_if 'lan' 'ifname'
+       service_stop /usr/sbin/upnpd
+       [ -n "$lan_if" ] && route del -net netmask $lan_if
Index: trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/files/upnpd.conf
--- trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/files/upnpd.conf (revision 0)
+++ trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/files/upnpd.conf (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# The full path and name of the iptables executable,
+# (enclosed in quotes).
+iptables_location = "/usr/sbin/iptables"
+# Daemon debug level. Messages are logged via syslog to debug.
+# 0 - no debug messages
+# 1 - log errors
+# 2 - log errors and basic info
+# 3 - log errors and verbose info
+# default = 0
+debug_mode = 2
+# Should the daemon insert rules in the forward chain
+# This is necessary if your firewall has a drop or reject
+# policy in your forward chain.
+# allowed values: yes,no
+# default = no
+insert_forward_rules = yes
+# The name of the chain to put the forward rules in.
+# This directive is only activ if "insert_forward_rules = yes"
+# above.
+# allowed values: a-z, A-Z, _, -
+# default = FORWARD
+forward_chain_name = forwarding_wan
+# The name of the chain to put prerouting rules in.
+# allowed values: a-z, A-Z, _, -
+# default = PREROUTING
+prerouting_chain_name = prerouting_wan 
+# The internet line upstream bit rate reported from
+# the daemon. Value in bits per second
+# default = 0
+upstream_bitrate = 512000
+# The internet line downstream bit rate reported from
+# the daemon. Value in bits per second
+# default = 0
+downstream_bitrate = 512000
+# The default duration of port mappings, used when the client
+# doesn't specify a duration.
+# Can have the following values:
+# 0 - no default duration specified
+# seconds | HH:MM - duration from the time of addition
+# @seconds | @HH:MM - expire mapping at the specified time of day
+# default = 0
+duration = 0
+# The name of the igd device xml description document
+# default = gatedesc.xml
+description_document_name = gatedesc.xml
+# The path to the xml documents
+# Do not include the trailing "/"
+# default = /etc/linuxigd
+# WARNING! The make install does put the xml files
+# in /etc/linuxigd, if you change this variable
+# you have to make sure the xml docs are in the
+# right place
+xml_document_path = /etc/linuxigd
Index: trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/patches/.empty
Index: trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/Makefile
--- trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/Makefile (revision 0)
+++ trunk/feeds/packages/net/linuxigd2/Makefile (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=iptables libupnp
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
+define Package/linuxigd2
+  SECTION:=net
+  CATEGORY:=Network
+  TITLE:=UPnP daemon
+  SUBMENU:=Firewall
+  DEPENDS:=+libip4tc +libupnp +libpthread      # +dhcp-relay
+  URL:=
+define Package/linuxigd2/description
+       It implements the UPnP Internet Gateway Device version 2
+       specification (IGDv2) and allows UPnP aware clients, such
+       as MSN Messenger, Azureus or Miranda to work properly from
+       behind a NAT firewall.
+       Please edit /etc/upnpd.conf before using upnpd!
+define Build/Compile
+       $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)  \
+               $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \
+               CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include 
-DIPTABLES_143 -Wl,-rpath-link=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib" \
+               BINDIR="/usr/sbin" \
+               MANDIR="/usr/man" \
+               HAVE_LIBIPTC=1 \
+               LIBIPTC_PREFIX="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr" \
+               LIBUPNP_PREFIX="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr" \
+               LIBS="-lpthread -lupnp -lixml -lthreadutil -lip4tc -L../lib" \
+               all
+define Package/linuxigd2/conffiles
+define Package/linuxigd2/install
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+       $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/bin/upnpd $(1)/usr/sbin/
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/linuxigd
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/configs/*.png $(1)/etc/linuxigd/
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/configs/*.xml $(1)/etc/linuxigd/
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/configs/upnpd.conf $(1)/etc/
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+       $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/configs/upnpd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/upnpd
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,linuxigd2))
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