
well, and it only affects those installations that use ext4.
Using sqashfs and jffs2 is perfectly possibly on block devices. Sysupgrade works fine with them on x86.


On 04/13/2012 11:24 AM, David Woodhouse wrote:
For a start, this isn't really about "x86", is it? It's about systems
which use block-based storage instead of flash?

This is for anything which makes the mistake of using CompactFlash or SD
instead of letting the OS have real access to the flash.

There are x86 systems (like OLPCv1, anything with a DiskOnChip, etc.)
with real flash, and there are non-x86 systems which unfortunately use
SD. Although perhaps OpenWrt hasn't reached the latter yet.

So whatever the solution, it *shouldn't* be specific to the x86 target,

On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 22:28 -0400, Adam Gensler wrote:
When it is time to upgrade the image, the inactive rootfs partition
would be the one upgraded. /dev/sda1 would be mounted, the correct
kernel overwritten, and menu.lst updated to default to the new kernel.

Sounds like you'd be a lot better off using btrfs snapshots for that.

Take a snapshot before upgrade, mount that snapshot and untar the new
system image into it. Then reboot mounting that snapshot as root.

(Remember, in btrfs snapshots are more like branches; they're writeable
and the 'master' is just another snapshot that happens to be the one
that gets mounted by default when you don't specify otherwise.)

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