2012/3/31 Nicolás Echániz <nicoecha...@codigosur.org>

> I'm not sure if this is the right place to report/ask about this matter
> so I'll try to make it short and please ask for any additional
> information that could be important.
> We are building a free network in a small town in Córdoba, Argentina.
> The hardware we are using for the nodes is: TPlink MR-3220 + usb wifi
> dongle WN722N
> So each node has two interfaces, internal + USB.
> The software is OpenWRT (trunk) and batman-adv as dynamic routing protocol.
> We have been using OpenWRT Rev.29660 for a couple of weeks, but after we
> updated to Rev.31077 (to test batman-adv 2012.0.0), the WN722N dongles
> (which use ath9k_htc) are always stuck at 1Mbit/s bitrate. This only
> happens in ad-hoc mode, infrastructure works fine.
I am having total breakage of wifi (on 3.3.) at present, but until last
week I got good rates out of adhoc on the wndr3800s on both 2.4 and 5 ghz.

I'm kind of hoping you're narrowing where it went bad with your commit

> We have tested other dongles: WN7200ND, which use rt2800usb and this
> problem is not present (bitrate is 150Mbit/s as it should be), same
> thing with the internal (ath9k) interfaces in the MR-3220 routers.
> We haven't had the opportunity to trace down the problem to a specific
> revision, but we know it is somewhere between r.29660 and r.31077
> Please let us know what information would be relevant in order to help
> nail this problem and we will report it.
> On a side note, we would like to ask if there's any wifi/usb chipset
> that's known to work well in ad-hoc mode.
There's a atheros based USB stick I've heard good things about (open source
drivers too)


It seems like there has been a movement of late to discard adhoc in favor
of... well I don't know, I see new, shiny meshy stuff, but as one example,
adhoc is now disabled on most android phones.

I'm told it's because adhoc uses more battery, but I tend to think it was
because it's old technology that used to 'just work', and we can't have

This community network[0] is the first of many we will be building
> during this year in the area. We are testing the possibilities of cheap
> multi-interface nodes because we are working with a very low income
> population.
That's my own focus too. The architecture I'd settled on was directional
nanostation m5s for the longer haul links, and dual channel boxes for the
more meshy nodes. I predate batman-adv (been meaning to try it) so I'd
settled on babel and AHCP...

> Cheers,
> NicoEchániz
> [0] http://www.lavecindaria.org.ar/article/quintanacamp-2012/
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