21.02.2012 18:48, Peter Naulls:
- kexec_start_address = image->start;
+ kexec_start_address = (unsigned long) phys_to_virt(image->start);
kexec_indirection_page =
(unsigned long) phys_to_virt(image->head & PAGE_MASK);
Right. The kernel I'm using has this. But if you look back a bit through
the list, you'll see I had problems on ar71xx still - on Buffalo G300NH.
There was some grief in the serial handling, and I had to go via u-boot
to completely reset things. I mention this in case anyone else is
trying kexec.
My device is ar71xx too. And actually I had some (another) issue as 
well. I discovered that if network device(s) initialization is performed 
before kexec, the new kernel starts successfully but later the system 
ends up rebooting spontaneously.
I didn't mention this yet because I found this problem also "fixable" by 
compiling network drivers as modules and delaying their loading until 
after kexec might have been attempeted.
So currently, I do have it all working prefectly fine here.


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