
I think it was about a year ago when I first proposed this, there was some feedback and I reworked the code but looking back I don't think I ever resubmitted - so here's a second go!

Basically if you make use of usb storage devices and specifically if you want to have services make use of the storage from service start time (for example, collectd or syslog-ng etc.) then you have a problem ... the usb device is mounted much too late in the boot sequence and you'll find the services writing "underneath" the mount point.

Also, you may want to only start the service once the device is plugged in (well after the boot sequence) ... can't think of a good example here, but it's probably better to do the right thing with hotplug rather than to hack around with the startup sequence.

So the basic idea is that in the fstab config you can specify that specific services are started once the filesystem is mounted, this is then handled by the hotplug system. There's also a menuconfig option to allow you to specific services that aren't started at boot time (since that's the default.)

This is made up of a patch to package/Makefile to handle the non-auto-starting of services, and then a new package which I've called block-hotplug-svcs.

An example /etc/config/fstab entry:

config mount
        option target   /site
        option device   /dev/sda1
        option fstype   ext4
        option options  rw,sync,noatime
        list service    syslog-ng

        option enabled  1
        option enabled_fsck 1

The code below is probably space mangled, but it's really there for comment for now

Index: package/Makefile
--- package/Makefile    (revision 30306)
+++ package/Makefile    (working copy)
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
                cd $(TARGET_DIR); \
                for script in ./etc/init.d/*; do \
grep '#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common' $$script >/dev/null || continue; \ + echo $(CONFIG_NO_AUTO_ENABLE_SERVICES) | grep -v -w `basename $$script` > /dev/null || continue; \ IPKG_INSTROOT=$(TARGET_DIR) $$(which bash) ./etc/rc.common $$script enable; \
                done || true \

Then the new package....

        prompt "Services to not auto enable in the image"
        depends on PACKAGE_block-hotplug-svcs
        default ""
All packages are enabled in the image by default. If we need to start services using this service then we need
         to list the ones we dont want enabled.

# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 OpenWrt.org
# Copyright 2010 Vertical Communications
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.

include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk


include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk

define Package/block-hotplug-svcs
  CATEGORY:=Owls Barn
  TITLE:=Start services after block hotplug event
  DEPENDS:=+block-mount +hotplug2

define Package/block-hotplug-svcs/config
source "$(SOURCE)/Config.in"

define Package/block-hotplug-svcs/description
Scripts used to automatically start services after a hotplug event (filesystem mount)

define Build/Compile

define Package/block-hotplug-svcs/install
        $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/block
        $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/60-services $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/block/

$(eval $(call BuildPackage,block-hotplug-svcs))


. /etc/functions.sh

start_service() {
        /etc/init.d/$1 $2

find_device() {
        local cfg="$1"
        local hotdev="$2"
        local action="$3"
        local enabled
        local device

        config_get device "$cfg" device
        config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" enabled 0
        [ $enabled -lt 1 ] && return
        [ $action = "start" ] && {
                grep -q "$hotdev" /proc/mounts || return

        [ "$device" = "$hotdev" ] && {
                config_get target "$1" target
config_list_foreach "$1" "service" start_service $action

config_load fstab

case "$ACTION" in
config_foreach find_device mount "/dev/$DEVNAME" "start"
                config_foreach find_device mount "/dev/$DEVNAME" "stop"

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