--- On Tue, 20/9/11, edgar.sol...@web.de <edgar.sol...@web.de> wrote:
> Did you see the first sentences of e.g.
> http://downloads.openwrt.org/backfire/10.03.1-rc5/README

That source revision wasn't my concern.

So let's see if I've got this right:

1) Check out correct revision as per instructions in release README
2) Copy config from chosen binaries directory to .config
3) Copy sources to dl/ directory
4) type make package/symlinks
5) type make

Is that it?  I don't understand how the systems works out to pull in the 
correct feed version.  I can understand how it works for tagged feeds, e.g. 
svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/branches/packages_10.03.1 but I don't get how it 
can work for svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/packages, and this is what I'm 
struggling with.  Doesn't that just pull the tip, and therefore potentially 
break what was supposed to be a stable release?


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